package scala.xml
package dtd
abstract class ExternalID extends parsing.TokenTests
def quoted(s: String) = {
val c = if (s contains '"') '\'' else '"'
c + s + c
override def toString(): String = {
lazy val quotedSystemLiteral = quoted(systemId)
lazy val quotedPublicLiteral = quoted(publicId)
if (publicId == null) "SYSTEM " + quotedSystemLiteral
else "PUBLIC " + quotedPublicLiteral +
(if (systemId == null) "" else " " + quotedSystemLiteral)
def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
def systemId: String
def publicId: String
case class SystemID(systemId: String) extends ExternalID {
val publicId = null
if (!checkSysID(systemId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't use both \" and ' in systemId")
case class PublicID(publicId: String, systemId: String) extends ExternalID {
if (!checkPubID(publicId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("publicId must consist of PubidChars")
if (systemId != null && !checkSysID(systemId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't use both \" and ' in systemId")
def label = "#PI"
def attribute = Node.NoAttributes
def child = Nil