/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala.xml /** * This object provides methods ... * * @author Burak Emir * @version 1.0 */ object Node { /** the constant empty attribute sequence */ final def NoAttributes: MetaData = Null /** the empty namespace */ val EmptyNamespace = "" def unapplySeq(n: Node) = Some((n.label, n.attributes, n.child)) } /** * An abstract class representing XML with nodes of a labelled tree. * This class contains an implementation of a subset of XPath for navigation. * * @author Burak Emir and others * @version 1.1 */ abstract class Node extends NodeSeq { /** prefix of this node */ def prefix: String = null /** label of this node. I.e. "foo" for <foo/>) */ def label: String /** used internally. Atom/Molecule = -1 PI = -2 Comment = -3 EntityRef = -5 */ def isAtom = this.isInstanceOf[Atom[_]] /** The logic formerly found in typeTag$, as best I could infer it. */ def doCollectNamespaces = true // if (tag >= 0) DO collect namespaces def doTransform = true // if (tag < 0) DO NOT transform /** * method returning the namespace bindings of this node. by default, this * is TopScope, which means there are no namespace bindings except the * predefined one for "xml". */ def scope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope /** * convenience, same as <code>getNamespace(this.prefix)</code> */ def namespace = getNamespace(this.prefix) /** * Convenience method, same as <code>scope.getURI(pre)</code> but additionally * checks if scope is <code>null</code>. * * @param pre the prefix whose namespace name we would like to obtain * @return the namespace if <code>scope != null</code> and prefix was * found, else <code>null</code> */ def getNamespace(pre: String): String = if (scope eq null) null else scope.getURI(pre) /** * Convenience method, looks up an unprefixed attribute in attributes of this node. * Same as <code>attributes.getValue(key)</code> * * @param key of queried attribute. * @return value of <code>UnprefixedAttribute</code> with given key * in attributes, if it exists, otherwise <code>null</code>. */ final def attribute(key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] = attributes.get(key) /** * Convenience method, looks up a prefixed attribute in attributes of this node. * Same as <code>attributes.getValue(uri, this, key)</code> * * @param uri namespace of queried attribute (may not be null). * @param key of queried attribute. * @return value of <code>PrefixedAttribute</code> with given namespace * and given key, otherwise <code>null</code>. */ final def attribute(uri: String, key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] = attributes.get(uri, this, key) /** * Returns attribute meaning all attributes of this node, prefixed and * unprefixed, in no particular order. In class <code>Node</code>, this * defaults to <code>Null</code> (the empty attribute list). * * @return all attributes of this node */ def attributes: MetaData = Null /** * Returns child axis i.e. all children of this node. * * @return all children of this node */ def child: Seq[Node] /** Children which do not stringify to "" (needed for equality) */ def nonEmptyChildren: Seq[Node] = child filterNot (_.toString == "") /** * Descendant axis (all descendants of this node, not including node itself) * includes all text nodes, element nodes, comments and processing instructions. */ def descendant: List[Node] = child.toList.flatMap { x => x::x.descendant } /** * Descendant axis (all descendants of this node, including thisa node) * includes all text nodes, element nodes, comments and processing instructions. */ def descendant_or_self: List[Node] = this :: descendant override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match { case x: Group => false case x: Node => true case _ => false } override def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] = prefix :: label :: attributes :: nonEmptyChildren.toList override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match { case _: Group => false case x: Node => (prefix == x.prefix) && (label == x.label) && (attributes == x.attributes) && // (scope == x.scope) // note - original code didn't compare scopes so I left it as is. (nonEmptyChildren sameElements x.nonEmptyChildren) case _ => false } // implementations of NodeSeq methods /** * returns a sequence consisting of only this node */ def theSeq: Seq[Node] = this :: Nil /** * String representation of this node * * @param stripComment if true, strips comment nodes from result * @return ... */ def buildString(stripComments: Boolean): String = Utility.toXML(this, stripComments = stripComments).toString /** * Same as <code>toString(false)</code>. * * @see <code><a href="#toString">toString(Boolean)</a></code> */ override def toString(): String = buildString(false) /** * Appends qualified name of this node to <code>StringBuilder</code>. * * @param sb ... * @return ... */ def nameToString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = { if (null != prefix) { sb.append(prefix) sb.append(':') } sb.append(label) } /** * Returns a type symbol (e.g. DTD, XSD), default <code>null</code>. */ def xmlType(): TypeSymbol = null /** * Returns a text representation of this node. Note that this is not equivalent to * the XPath node-test called text(), it is rather an implementation of the * XPath function string() * Martin to Burak: to do: if you make this method abstract, the compiler will now * complain if there's no implementation in a subclass. Is this what we want? Note that * this would break doc/DocGenator and doc/ModelToXML, with an error message like: * {{{ * doc\DocGenerator.scala:1219: error: object creation impossible, since there is a deferred declaration of method text in class Node of type => String which is not implemented in a subclass * new SpecialNode { * ^ * }}} */ override def text: String = super.text }