package scala.collection
package immutable
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import compat.Platform
import scala.collection.generic._
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
object Vector extends SeqFactory[Vector] {
private[immutable] val BF = new GenericCanBuildFrom[Nothing] {
override def apply() = newBuilder[Nothing]
@inline implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, Vector[A]] =
BF.asInstanceOf[CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, Vector[A]]]
def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, Vector[A]] = new VectorBuilder[A]
private[immutable] val NIL = new Vector[Nothing](0, 0, 0)
@inline override def empty[A]: Vector[A] = NIL
final class Vector[+A](private[collection] val startIndex: Int, private[collection] val endIndex: Int, focus: Int)
extends IndexedSeq[A]
with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, Vector]
with IndexedSeqLike[A, Vector[A]]
with VectorPointer[A @uncheckedVariance]
with Serializable
with CustomParallelizable[A, ParVector[A]]
{ self =>
override def companion: GenericCompanion[Vector] = Vector
private[immutable] var dirty = false
def length = endIndex - startIndex
override def par = new ParVector(this)
override def lengthCompare(len: Int): Int = length - len
private[collection] final def initIterator[B >: A](s: VectorIterator[B]) {
if (dirty) s.stabilize(focus)
if (s.depth > 1) s.gotoPos(startIndex, startIndex ^ focus)
@inline override def iterator: VectorIterator[A] = {
val s = new VectorIterator[A](startIndex, endIndex)
def reverseIterator: Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
private var i = self.length
def hasNext: Boolean = 0 < i
def next: A =
if (0 < i) {
i -= 1
} else
@deprecated("this method is experimental and will be removed in a future release", "2.8.0")
@inline def foreachFast[U](f: A => U): Unit = iterator.foreachFast(f)
@deprecated("this method is experimental and will be removed in a future release", "2.8.0")
@inline def mapFast[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Vector[A], B, That]): That = {
val b = bf(repr)
foreachFast(x => b += f(x))
def apply(index: Int): A = {
val idx = checkRangeConvert(index)
getElem(idx, idx ^ focus)
private def checkRangeConvert(index: Int) = {
val idx = index + startIndex
if (0 <= index && idx < endIndex)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index.toString)
@inline override def updated[B >: A, That](index: Int, elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Vector[A], B, That]): That = {
updateAt(index, elem).asInstanceOf[That]
@inline override def +:[B >: A, That](elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Vector[A], B, That]): That = {
@inline override def :+[B >: A, That](elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Vector[A], B, That]): That = {
override def take(n: Int): Vector[A] = {
if (n <= 0)
else if (startIndex + n < endIndex)
dropBack0(startIndex + n)
override def drop(n: Int): Vector[A] = {
if (n <= 0)
else if (startIndex + n < endIndex)
dropFront0(startIndex + n)
override def takeRight(n: Int): Vector[A] = {
if (n <= 0)
else if (endIndex - n > startIndex)
dropFront0(endIndex - n)
override def dropRight(n: Int): Vector[A] = {
if (n <= 0)
else if (endIndex - n > startIndex)
dropBack0(endIndex - n)
override def head: A = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.head")
override def tail: Vector[A] = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.tail")
override def last: A = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.last")
override def init: Vector[A] = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.init")
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Vector[A] =
override def splitAt(n: Int): (Vector[A], Vector[A]) = (take(n), drop(n))
override def ++[B >: A, That](that: GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Vector[A], B, That]): That = {
private[immutable] def updateAt[B >: A](index: Int, elem: B): Vector[B] = {
val idx = checkRangeConvert(index)
val s = new Vector[B](startIndex, endIndex, idx)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, idx, focus ^ idx)
s.display0(idx & 0x1f) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
private def gotoPosWritable(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int, xor: Int) = if (dirty) {
gotoPosWritable1(oldIndex, newIndex, xor)
} else {
gotoPosWritable0(newIndex, xor)
dirty = true
private def gotoFreshPosWritable(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int, xor: Int) = if (dirty) {
gotoFreshPosWritable1(oldIndex, newIndex, xor)
} else {
gotoFreshPosWritable0(oldIndex, newIndex, xor)
dirty = true
private[immutable] def appendFront[B>:A](value: B): Vector[B] = {
if (endIndex != startIndex) {
var blockIndex = (startIndex - 1) & ~31
var lo = (startIndex - 1) & 31
if (startIndex != blockIndex + 32) {
val s = new Vector(startIndex - 1, endIndex, blockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex, focus ^ blockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val freeSpace = ((1<<5*(depth)) - endIndex)
val shift = freeSpace & ~((1<<5*(depth-1))-1)
val shiftBlocks = freeSpace >>> 5*(depth-1)
if (shift != 0) {
if (depth > 1) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex + shift
val newFocus = focus + shift
val s = new Vector(startIndex - 1 + shift, endIndex + shift, newBlockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.shiftTopLevel(0, shiftBlocks)
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex + 32
val newFocus = focus
val s = new Vector(startIndex - 1 + shift, endIndex + shift, newBlockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.shiftTopLevel(0, shiftBlocks)
s.gotoPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(shift-1) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else if (blockIndex < 0) {
val move = (1 << 5*(depth+1)) - (1 << 5*(depth))
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex + move
val newFocus = focus + move
val s = new Vector(startIndex - 1 + move, endIndex + move, newBlockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex
val newFocus = focus
val s = new Vector(startIndex - 1, endIndex, newBlockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val elems = new Array[AnyRef](32)
elems(31) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val s = new Vector(31,32,0)
s.depth = 1
s.display0 = elems
private[immutable] def appendBack[B>:A](value: B): Vector[B] = {
if (endIndex != startIndex) {
var blockIndex = endIndex & ~31
var lo = endIndex & 31
if (endIndex != blockIndex) {
val s = new Vector(startIndex, endIndex + 1, blockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex, focus ^ blockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val shift = startIndex & ~((1<<5*(depth-1))-1)
val shiftBlocks = startIndex >>> 5*(depth-1)
if (shift != 0) {
if (depth > 1) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex - shift
val newFocus = focus - shift
val s = new Vector(startIndex - shift, endIndex + 1 - shift, newBlockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.shiftTopLevel(shiftBlocks, 0)
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex - 32
val newFocus = focus
val s = new Vector(startIndex - shift, endIndex + 1 - shift, newBlockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.shiftTopLevel(shiftBlocks, 0)
s.gotoPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(32 - shift) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex
val newFocus = focus
val s = new Vector(startIndex, endIndex + 1, newBlockIndex)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
if (s.depth == depth+1) {
} else {
val elems = new Array[AnyRef](32)
elems(0) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val s = new Vector(0,1,0)
s.depth = 1
s.display0 = elems
private def shiftTopLevel(oldLeft: Int, newLeft: Int) = (depth - 1) match {
case 0 =>
display0 = copyRange(display0, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 1 =>
display1 = copyRange(display1, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 2 =>
display2 = copyRange(display2, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 3 =>
display3 = copyRange(display3, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 4 =>
display4 = copyRange(display4, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 5 =>
display5 = copyRange(display5, oldLeft, newLeft)
private def zeroLeft(array: Array[AnyRef], index: Int): Unit = {
var i = 0; while (i < index) { array(i) = null; i+=1 }
private def zeroRight(array: Array[AnyRef], index: Int): Unit = {
var i = index; while (i < array.length) { array(i) = null; i+=1 }
private def copyLeft(array: Array[AnyRef], right: Int): Array[AnyRef] = {
val a2 = new Array[AnyRef](array.length)
Platform.arraycopy(array, 0, a2, 0, right)
private def copyRight(array: Array[AnyRef], left: Int): Array[AnyRef] = {
val a2 = new Array[AnyRef](array.length)
Platform.arraycopy(array, left, a2, left, a2.length - left)
private def preClean(depth: Int) = {
this.depth = depth
(depth - 1) match {
case 0 =>
display1 = null
display2 = null
display3 = null
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 1 =>
display2 = null
display3 = null
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 2 =>
display3 = null
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 3 =>
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 4 =>
display5 = null
case 5 =>
private def cleanLeftEdge(cutIndex: Int) = {
if (cutIndex < (1 << 5)) {
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex)
} else
if (cutIndex < (1 << 10)) {
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & 0x1f)
display1 = copyRight(display1, (cutIndex >>> 5))
} else
if (cutIndex < (1 << 15)) {
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & 0x1f)
display1 = copyRight(display1, (cutIndex >>> 5) & 0x1f)
display2 = copyRight(display2, (cutIndex >>> 10))
} else
if (cutIndex < (1 << 20)) {
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & 0x1f)
display1 = copyRight(display1, (cutIndex >>> 5) & 0x1f)
display2 = copyRight(display2, (cutIndex >>> 10) & 0x1f)
display3 = copyRight(display3, (cutIndex >>> 15))
} else
if (cutIndex < (1 << 25)) {
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & 0x1f)
display1 = copyRight(display1, (cutIndex >>> 5) & 0x1f)
display2 = copyRight(display2, (cutIndex >>> 10) & 0x1f)
display3 = copyRight(display3, (cutIndex >>> 15) & 0x1f)
display4 = copyRight(display4, (cutIndex >>> 20))
} else
if (cutIndex < (1 << 30)) {
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & 0x1f)
display1 = copyRight(display1, (cutIndex >>> 5) & 0x1f)
display2 = copyRight(display2, (cutIndex >>> 10) & 0x1f)
display3 = copyRight(display3, (cutIndex >>> 15) & 0x1f)
display4 = copyRight(display4, (cutIndex >>> 20) & 0x1f)
display5 = copyRight(display5, (cutIndex >>> 25))
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private def cleanRightEdge(cutIndex: Int) = {
if (cutIndex <= (1 << 5)) {
zeroRight(display0, cutIndex)
} else
if (cutIndex <= (1 << 10)) {
zeroRight(display0, ((cutIndex-1) & 0x1f) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (cutIndex >>> 5))
} else
if (cutIndex <= (1 << 15)) {
zeroRight(display0, ((cutIndex-1) & 0x1f) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 5) & 0x1f) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, (cutIndex >>> 10))
} else
if (cutIndex <= (1 << 20)) {
zeroRight(display0, ((cutIndex-1) & 0x1f) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 5) & 0x1f) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 10) & 0x1f) + 1)
display3 = copyLeft(display3, (cutIndex >>> 15))
} else
if (cutIndex <= (1 << 25)) {
zeroRight(display0, ((cutIndex-1) & 0x1f) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 5) & 0x1f) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 10) & 0x1f) + 1)
display3 = copyLeft(display3, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 15) & 0x1f) + 1)
display4 = copyLeft(display4, (cutIndex >>> 20))
} else
if (cutIndex <= (1 << 30)) {
zeroRight(display0, ((cutIndex-1) & 0x1f) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 5) & 0x1f) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 10) & 0x1f) + 1)
display3 = copyLeft(display3, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 15) & 0x1f) + 1)
display4 = copyLeft(display4, (((cutIndex-1) >>> 20) & 0x1f) + 1)
display5 = copyLeft(display5, (cutIndex >>> 25))
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private def requiredDepth(xor: Int) = {
if (xor < (1 << 5)) 1
else if (xor < (1 << 10)) 2
else if (xor < (1 << 15)) 3
else if (xor < (1 << 20)) 4
else if (xor < (1 << 25)) 5
else if (xor < (1 << 30)) 6
else throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private def dropFront0(cutIndex: Int): Vector[A] = {
var blockIndex = cutIndex & ~31
var lo = cutIndex & 31
val xor = cutIndex ^ (endIndex - 1)
val d = requiredDepth(xor)
val shift = (cutIndex & ~((1 << (5*d))-1))
val s = new Vector(cutIndex-shift, endIndex-shift, blockIndex-shift)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex, focus ^ blockIndex)
s.cleanLeftEdge(cutIndex - shift)
private def dropBack0(cutIndex: Int): Vector[A] = {
var blockIndex = (cutIndex - 1) & ~31
var lo = ((cutIndex - 1) & 31) + 1
val xor = startIndex ^ (cutIndex - 1)
val d = requiredDepth(xor)
val shift = (startIndex & ~((1 << (5*d))-1))
val s = new Vector(startIndex-shift, cutIndex-shift, blockIndex-shift)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex, focus ^ blockIndex)
class VectorIterator[+A](_startIndex: Int, _endIndex: Int) extends Iterator[A] with VectorPointer[A @uncheckedVariance] {
private var blockIndex: Int = _startIndex & ~31
private var lo: Int = _startIndex & 31
private var endIndex: Int = _endIndex
private var endLo = math.min(endIndex - blockIndex, 32)
def hasNext = _hasNext
private var _hasNext = blockIndex + lo < endIndex
def next(): A = {
if (!_hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException("reached iterator end")
val res = display0(lo).asInstanceOf[A]
lo += 1
if (lo == endLo) {
if (blockIndex + lo < endIndex) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex+32
gotoNextBlockStart(newBlockIndex, blockIndex ^ newBlockIndex)
blockIndex = newBlockIndex
endLo = math.min(endIndex - blockIndex, 32)
lo = 0
} else {
_hasNext = false
private[collection] def remainingElementCount: Int = (_endIndex - (blockIndex + lo)) max 0
private[collection] def remainingVector: Vector[A] = {
val v = new Vector(blockIndex + lo, _endIndex, blockIndex + lo)
@deprecated("this method is experimental and will be removed in a future release", "2.8.0")
@inline def foreachFast[U](f: A => U) { while (hasNext) f(next()) }
final class VectorBuilder[A]() extends Builder[A,Vector[A]] with VectorPointer[A @uncheckedVariance] {
display0 = new Array[AnyRef](32)
depth = 1
private var blockIndex = 0
private var lo = 0
def += (elem: A): this.type = {
if (lo >= display0.length) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex+32
gotoNextBlockStartWritable(newBlockIndex, blockIndex ^ newBlockIndex)
blockIndex = newBlockIndex
lo = 0
display0(lo) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
lo += 1
override def ++=(xs: TraversableOnce[A]): this.type =
def result: Vector[A] = {
val size = blockIndex + lo
if (size == 0)
return Vector.empty
val s = new Vector[A](0, size, 0)
if (depth > 1) s.gotoPos(0, size - 1)
def clear(): Unit = {
display0 = new Array[AnyRef](32)
depth = 1
blockIndex = 0
lo = 0
private[immutable] trait VectorPointer[T] {
private[immutable] var depth: Int = _
private[immutable] var display0: Array[AnyRef] = _
private[immutable] var display1: Array[AnyRef] = _
private[immutable] var display2: Array[AnyRef] = _
private[immutable] var display3: Array[AnyRef] = _
private[immutable] var display4: Array[AnyRef] = _
private[immutable] var display5: Array[AnyRef] = _
private[immutable] final def initFrom[U](that: VectorPointer[U]): Unit = initFrom(that, that.depth)
private[immutable] final def initFrom[U](that: VectorPointer[U], depth: Int) = {
this.depth = depth
(depth - 1) match {
case -1 =>
case 0 =>
display0 = that.display0
case 1 =>
display1 = that.display1
display0 = that.display0
case 2 =>
display2 = that.display2
display1 = that.display1
display0 = that.display0
case 3 =>
display3 = that.display3
display2 = that.display2
display1 = that.display1
display0 = that.display0
case 4 =>
display4 = that.display4
display3 = that.display3
display2 = that.display2
display1 = that.display1
display0 = that.display0
case 5 =>
display5 = that.display5
display4 = that.display4
display3 = that.display3
display2 = that.display2
display1 = that.display1
display0 = that.display0
private[immutable] final def getElem(index: Int, xor: Int): T = {
if (xor < (1 << 5)) {
display0(index & 31).asInstanceOf[T]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 10)) {
display1((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & 31).asInstanceOf[T]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 15)) {
display2((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & 31).asInstanceOf[T]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 20)) {
display3((index >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & 31).asInstanceOf[T]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 25)) {
display4((index >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & 31).asInstanceOf[T]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 30)) {
display5((index >> 25) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & 31).asInstanceOf[T]
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private[immutable] final def gotoPos(index: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if (xor < (1 << 5)) {
} else
if (xor < (1 << 10)) {
display0 = display1((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 15)) {
display1 = display2((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 20)) {
display2 = display3((index >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = display2((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 25)) {
display3 = display4((index >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = display3((index >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = display2((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 30)) {
display4 = display5((index >> 25) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display3 = display4((index >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = display3((index >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = display2((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private[immutable] final def gotoNextBlockStart(index: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if (xor < (1 << 10)) {
display0 = display1((index >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 15)) {
display1 = display2((index >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 20)) {
display2 = display3((index >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = display2(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 25)) {
display3 = display4((index >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = display3(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = display2(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 30)) {
display4 = display5((index >> 25) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display3 = display4(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = display3(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = display2(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = display1(0).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private[immutable] final def gotoNextBlockStartWritable(index: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if (xor < (1 << 10)) {
if (depth == 1) { display1 = new Array(32); display1(0) = display0; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(32)
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
} else
if (xor < (1 << 15)) {
if (depth == 2) { display2 = new Array(32); display2(0) = display1; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(32)
display1 = new Array(32)
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
} else
if (xor < (1 << 20)) {
if (depth == 3) { display3 = new Array(32); display3(0) = display2; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(32)
display1 = new Array(32)
display2 = new Array(32)
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
display3((index >> 15) & 31) = display2
} else
if (xor < (1 << 25)) {
if (depth == 4) { display4 = new Array(32); display4(0) = display3; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(32)
display1 = new Array(32)
display2 = new Array(32)
display3 = new Array(32)
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
display3((index >> 15) & 31) = display2
display4((index >> 20) & 31) = display3
} else
if (xor < (1 << 30)) {
if (depth == 5) { display5 = new Array(32); display5(0) = display4; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(32)
display1 = new Array(32)
display2 = new Array(32)
display3 = new Array(32)
display4 = new Array(32)
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
display3((index >> 15) & 31) = display2
display4((index >> 20) & 31) = display3
display5((index >> 25) & 31) = display4
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private[immutable] final def copyOf(a: Array[AnyRef]) = {
if (a eq null) println ("NULL")
val b = new Array[AnyRef](a.length)
Platform.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, a.length)
private[immutable] final def nullSlotAndCopy(array: Array[AnyRef], index: Int) = {
val x = array(index)
array(index) = null
private[immutable] final def stabilize(index: Int) = (depth - 1) match {
case 5 =>
display5 = copyOf(display5)
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display5((index >> 25) & 31) = display4
display4((index >> 20) & 31) = display3
display3((index >> 15) & 31) = display2
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
case 4 =>
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display4((index >> 20) & 31) = display3
display3((index >> 15) & 31) = display2
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
case 3 =>
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display3((index >> 15) & 31) = display2
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
case 2 =>
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2((index >> 10) & 31) = display1
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
case 1 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display1((index >> 5) & 31) = display0
case 0 =>
private[immutable] final def gotoPosWritable0(newIndex: Int, xor: Int): Unit = (depth - 1) match {
case 5 =>
display5 = copyOf(display5)
display4 = nullSlotAndCopy(display5, (newIndex >> 25) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display3 = nullSlotAndCopy(display4, (newIndex >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = nullSlotAndCopy(display3, (newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
case 4 =>
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display3 = nullSlotAndCopy(display4, (newIndex >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = nullSlotAndCopy(display3, (newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
case 3 =>
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = nullSlotAndCopy(display3, (newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
case 2 =>
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
case 1 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
case 0 =>
display0 = copyOf(display0)
private[immutable] final def gotoPosWritable1(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if (xor < (1 << 5)) {
display0 = copyOf(display0)
} else
if (xor < (1 << 10)) {
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display1((oldIndex >> 5) & 31) = display0
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31)
} else
if (xor < (1 << 15)) {
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1((oldIndex >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((oldIndex >> 10) & 31) = display1
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 20)) {
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display1((oldIndex >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((oldIndex >> 10) & 31) = display1
display3((oldIndex >> 15) & 31) = display2
display2 = nullSlotAndCopy(display3, (newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 25)) {
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display1((oldIndex >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((oldIndex >> 10) & 31) = display1
display3((oldIndex >> 15) & 31) = display2
display4((oldIndex >> 20) & 31) = display3
display3 = nullSlotAndCopy(display4, (newIndex >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = nullSlotAndCopy(display3, (newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else
if (xor < (1 << 30)) {
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display5 = copyOf(display5)
display1((oldIndex >> 5) & 31) = display0
display2((oldIndex >> 10) & 31) = display1
display3((oldIndex >> 15) & 31) = display2
display4((oldIndex >> 20) & 31) = display3
display5((oldIndex >> 25) & 31) = display4
display4 = nullSlotAndCopy(display5, (newIndex >> 25) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display3 = nullSlotAndCopy(display4, (newIndex >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display2 = nullSlotAndCopy(display3, (newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display1 = nullSlotAndCopy(display2, (newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, (newIndex >> 5) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private[immutable] final def copyRange(array: Array[AnyRef], oldLeft: Int, newLeft: Int) = {
val elems = new Array[AnyRef](32)
Platform.arraycopy(array, oldLeft, elems, newLeft, 32 - math.max(newLeft,oldLeft))
private[immutable] final def gotoFreshPosWritable0(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
if (xor < (1 << 5)) {
} else
if (xor < (1 << 10)) {
if (depth == 1) {
display1 = new Array(32)
display1((oldIndex >> 5) & 31) = display0
depth +=1
display0 = new Array(32)
} else
if (xor < (1 << 15)) {
if (depth == 2) {
display2 = new Array(32)
display2((oldIndex >> 10) & 31) = display1
depth +=1
display1 = display2((newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display1 == null) display1 = new Array(32)
display0 = new Array(32)
} else
if (xor < (1 << 20)) {
if (depth == 3) {
display3 = new Array(32)
display3((oldIndex >> 15) & 31) = display2
display2 = new Array(32)
display1 = new Array(32)
depth +=1
display2 = display3((newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display2 == null) display2 = new Array(32)
display1 = display2((newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display1 == null) display1 = new Array(32)
display0 = new Array(32)
} else
if (xor < (1 << 25)) {
if (depth == 4) {
display4 = new Array(32)
display4((oldIndex >> 20) & 31) = display3
display3 = new Array(32)
display2 = new Array(32)
display1 = new Array(32)
depth +=1
display3 = display4((newIndex >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display3 == null) display3 = new Array(32)
display2 = display3((newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display2 == null) display2 = new Array(32)
display1 = display2((newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display1 == null) display1 = new Array(32)
display0 = new Array(32)
} else
if (xor < (1 << 30)) {
if (depth == 5) {
display5 = new Array(32)
display5((oldIndex >> 25) & 31) = display4
display4 = new Array(32)
display3 = new Array(32)
display2 = new Array(32)
display1 = new Array(32)
depth +=1
display4 = display5((newIndex >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display4 == null) display4 = new Array(32)
display3 = display4((newIndex >> 20) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display3 == null) display3 = new Array(32)
display2 = display3((newIndex >> 15) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display2 == null) display2 = new Array(32)
display1 = display2((newIndex >> 10) & 31).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
if (display1 == null) display1 = new Array(32)
display0 = new Array(32)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
private[immutable] final def gotoFreshPosWritable1(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
gotoFreshPosWritable0(oldIndex, newIndex, xor)
private[immutable] def debug(): Unit = {
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