/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |    http://scala-lang.org/               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.collection

/** A template trait for all traversable-once objects which may be
 *  traversed in parallel.
 *  Methods in this trait are either abstract or can be implemented in terms
 *  of other methods.
 *  @define Coll GenTraversableOnce
 *  @define coll collection or iterator
 *  @define possiblyparinfo
 *  This trait may possibly have operations implemented in parallel.
 *  @define undefinedorder
 *  The order in which operations are performed on elements is unspecified and may be nondeterministic.
 *  @define orderDependent
 *    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the underlying collection type is ordered.
 *  @define orderDependentFold
 *    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the
 *    underlying collection type is ordered or the operator is associative
 *    and commutative.
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
 *    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.
 *  @author Martin Odersky
 *  @author Aleksandar Prokopec
 *  @since 2.9
trait GenTraversableOnce[+A] {
  def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit
  def hasDefiniteSize: Boolean
  def seq: TraversableOnce[A]
  /** The size of this $coll.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return    the number of elements in this $coll.
  def size: Int
  /** Tests whether the $coll is empty.
   *  @return    `true` if the $coll contains no elements, `false` otherwise.
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  /** Tests whether the $coll is not empty.
   *  @return    `true` if the $coll contains at least one element, `false` otherwise.
  def nonEmpty: Boolean
  /** Tests whether this $coll can be repeatedly traversed.  Always
   *  true for Traversables and false for Iterators unless overridden.
   *  @return   `true` if it is repeatedly traversable, `false` otherwise.
  def isTraversableAgain: Boolean
  /** Reduces the elements of this sequence using the specified associative binary operator.
   *  $undefinedorder
   *  Note this method has a different signature than the `reduceLeft`
   *  and `reduceRight` methods of the trait `Traversable`.
   *  The result of reducing may only be a supertype of this parallel collection's
   *  type parameter `T`.
   *  @tparam U      A type parameter for the binary operator, a supertype of `T`.
   *  @param op       A binary operator that must be associative.
   *  @return         The result of applying reduce operator `op` between all the elements if the collection is nonempty.
   *  @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *  if this $coll is empty.
  def reduce[A1 >: A](op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
  /** Optionally reduces the elements of this sequence using the specified associative binary operator.
   *  $undefinedorder
   *  Note this method has a different signature than the `reduceLeftOption`
   *  and `reduceRightOption` methods of the trait `Traversable`.
   *  The result of reducing may only be a supertype of this parallel collection's
   *  type parameter `T`.
   *  @tparam U      A type parameter for the binary operator, a supertype of `T`.
   *  @param op      A binary operator that must be associative.
   *  @return        An option value containing result of applying reduce operator `op` between all
   *                 the elements if the collection is nonempty, and `None` otherwise. 
  def reduceOption[A1 >: A](op: (A1, A1) => A1): Option[A1]
  /** Folds the elements of this sequence using the specified associative binary operator.
   *  The order in which the elements are reduced is unspecified and may be nondeterministic.
   *  Note this method has a different signature than the `foldLeft`
   *  and `foldRight` methods of the trait `Traversable`.
   *  The result of folding may only be a supertype of this parallel collection's
   *  type parameter `T`.
   *  @tparam U      a type parameter for the binary operator, a supertype of `T`.
   *  @param z       a neutral element for the fold operation, it may be added to the result
   *                 an arbitrary number of times, not changing the result (e.g. `Nil` for list concatenation,
   *                 0 for addition, or 1 for multiplication)
   *  @param op      a binary operator that must be associative
   *  @return        the result of applying fold operator `op` between all the elements and `z`
  def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
  /** A syntactic sugar for out of order folding. See `fold`. */
  def /:\[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1 = fold(z)(op)
  /** Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this $coll,
   *  going left to right.
   *  Note: `/:` is alternate syntax for `foldLeft`; `z /: xs` is the same as
   *  `xs foldLeft z`.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependentFold
   *  @param   z    the start value.
   *  @param   op   the binary operator.
   *  @tparam  B    the result type of the binary operator.
   *  @return  the result of inserting `op` between consecutive elements of this $coll,
   *           going left to right with the start value `z` on the left:
   *           {{{
   *             op(...op(op(z, x,,1,,), x,,2,,), ..., x,,n,,)
   *           }}}
   *           where `x,,1,,, ..., x,,n,,` are the elements of this $coll.
  def /:[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
  /** Applies a binary operator to all elements of this $coll and a start value,
   *  going right to left.
   *  Note: `:\` is alternate syntax for `foldRight`; `xs :\ z` is the same as
   *  `xs foldRight z`.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependentFold
   *  @param   z    the start value
   *  @param   op   the binary operator
   *  @tparam  B    the result type of the binary operator.
   *  @return  the result of inserting `op` between consecutive elements of this $coll,
   *           going right to left with the start value `z` on the right:
   *           {{{
   *             op(x,,1,,, op(x,,2,,, ... op(x,,n,,, z)...))
   *           }}}
   *           where `x,,1,,, ..., x,,n,,` are the elements of this $coll.
  def :\[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B
  /** Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this $coll,
   *  going left to right.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependentFold
   *  @param   z    the start value.
   *  @param   op   the binary operator.
   *  @tparam  B    the result type of the binary operator.
   *  @return  the result of inserting `op` between consecutive elements of this $coll,
   *           going left to right with the start value `z` on the left:
   *           {{{
   *             op(...op(z, x,,1,,), x,,2,,, ..., x,,n,,)
   *           }}}
   *           where `x,,1,,, ..., x,,n,,` are the elements of this $coll.
  def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
  /** Applies a binary operator to all elements of this $coll and a start value,
   *  going right to left.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependentFold
   *  @param   z    the start value.
   *  @param   op   the binary operator.
   *  @tparam  B    the result type of the binary operator.
   *  @return  the result of inserting `op` between consecutive elements of this $coll,
   *           going right to left with the start value `z` on the right:
   *           {{{
   *             op(x,,1,,, op(x,,2,,, ... op(x,,n,,, z)...))
   *           }}}
   *           where `x,,1,,, ..., x,,n,,` are the elements of this $coll.
  def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B
  /** Aggregates the results of applying an operator to subsequent elements.
   *  This is a more general form of `fold` and `reduce`. It has similar semantics, but does
   *  not require the result to be a supertype of the element type. It traverses the elements in
   *  different partitions sequentially, using `seqop` to update the result, and then
   *  applies `combop` to results from different partitions. The implementation of this
   *  operation may operate on an arbitrary number of collection partitions, so `combop`
   *  may be invoked arbitrary number of times.
   *  For example, one might want to process some elements and then produce a `Set`. In this
   *  case, `seqop` would process an element and append it to the list, while `combop`
   *  would concatenate two lists from different partitions together. The initial value
   *  `z` would be an empty set.
   *  {{{
   *    pc.aggregate(Set[Int]())(_ += process(_), _ ++ _)
   *  }}}
   *  Another example is calculating geometric mean from a collection of doubles
   *  (one would typically require big doubles for this).
   *  @tparam S        the type of accumulated results
   *  @param z         the initial value for the accumulated result of the partition - this
   *                   will typically be the neutral element for the `seqop` operator (e.g.
   *                   `Nil` for list concatenation or `0` for summation)
   *  @param seqop     an operator used to accumulate results within a partition
   *  @param combop    an associative operator used to combine results from different partitions
  def aggregate[B](z: B)(seqop: (B, A) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B
  /** Applies a binary operator to all elements of this $coll, going right to left.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependentFold
   *  @param  op    the binary operator.
   *  @tparam  B    the result type of the binary operator.
   *  @return  the result of inserting `op` between consecutive elements of this $coll,
   *           going right to left:
   *           {{{
   *             op(x,,1,,, op(x,,2,,, ..., op(x,,n-1,,, x,,n,,)...))
   *           }}}
   *           where `x,,1,,, ..., x,,n,,` are the elements of this $coll.
   *  @throws `UnsupportedOperationException` if this $coll is empty.
  def reduceRight[B >: A](op: (A, B) => B): B
  /** Optionally applies a binary operator to all elements of this $coll, going left to right.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependentFold
   *  @param  op    the binary operator.
   *  @tparam  B    the result type of the binary operator.
   *  @return  an option value containing the result of `reduceLeft(op)` is this $coll is nonempty,
   *           `None` otherwise.
  def reduceLeftOption[B >: A](op: (B, A) => B): Option[B]

  /** Optionally applies a binary operator to all elements of this $coll, going
   *  right to left.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependentFold
   *  @param  op    the binary operator.
   *  @tparam  B    the result type of the binary operator.
   *  @return  an option value containing the result of `reduceRight(op)` is this $coll is nonempty,
   *           `None` otherwise.
  def reduceRightOption[B >: A](op: (A, B) => B): Option[B]
  /** Counts the number of elements in the $coll which satisfy a predicate.
   *  @param p     the predicate  used to test elements.
   *  @return      the number of elements satisfying the predicate `p`.
  def count(p: A => Boolean): Int
  /** Sums up the elements of this collection.
   *   @param   num  an implicit parameter defining a set of numeric operations
   *                 which includes the `+` operator to be used in forming the sum.
   *   @tparam  B    the result type of the `+` operator.  
   *   @return       the sum of all elements of this $coll with respect to the `+` operator in `num`.
   *   @usecase def sum: A
   *   @return       the sum of all elements in this $coll of numbers of type `Int`.
   *   Instead of `Int`, any other type `T` with an implicit `Numeric[T]` implementation 
   *   can be used as element type of the $coll and as result type of `sum`. 
   *   Examples of such types are: `Long`, `Float`, `Double`, `BigInt`.
  def sum[A1 >: A](implicit num: Numeric[A1]): A1
  /** Multiplies up the elements of this collection.
   *   @param   num  an implicit parameter defining a set of numeric operations
   *                 which includes the `*` operator to be used in forming the product.
   *   @tparam  B    the result type of the `*` operator.  
   *   @return       the product of all elements of this $coll with respect to the `*` operator in `num`.
   *   @usecase def product: A
   *   @return       the product of all elements in this $coll of numbers of type `Int`.
   *   Instead of `Int`, any other type `T` with an implicit `Numeric[T]` implementation 
   *   can be used as element type of the $coll and as result type of `product`. 
   *   Examples of such types are: `Long`, `Float`, `Double`, `BigInt`.
  def product[A1 >: A](implicit num: Numeric[A1]): A1
  /** Finds the smallest element.
   *  @param    cmp   An ordering to be used for comparing elements.
   *  @tparam   B     The type over which the ordering is defined.   
   *  @return   the smallest element of this $coll with respect to the ordering `cmp`.
   *  @usecase def min: A
   *  @return   the smallest element of this $coll  
  def min[A1 >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[A1]): A
  /** Finds the largest element.
   *  @param    cmp   An ordering to be used for comparing elements.
   *  @tparam   B     The type over which the ordering is defined.   
   *  @return   the largest element of this $coll with respect to the ordering `cmp`.
   *  @usecase def max: A
   *  @return   the largest element of this $coll. 
  def max[A1 >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[A1]): A
  def maxBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): A
  def minBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): A
  def forall(pred: A => Boolean): Boolean

  def exists(pred: A => Boolean): Boolean
  /** Finds the first element of the $coll satisfying a predicate, if any.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  $orderDependent
   *  @param p    the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return     an option value containing the first element in the $coll
   *              that satisfies `p`, or `None` if none exists.
  def find(pred: A => Boolean): Option[A]
  /** Copies values of this $coll to an array.
   *  Fills the given array `xs` with values of this $coll.
   *  Copying will stop once either the end of the current $coll is reached,
   *  or the end of the array is reached.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @param  xs     the array to fill.
   *  @tparam B      the type of the elements of the array. 
   *  @usecase def copyToArray(xs: Array[A]): Unit
  def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B]): Unit
  /** Copies values of this $coll to an array.
   *  Fills the given array `xs` with values of this $coll, beginning at index `start`.
   *  Copying will stop once either the end of the current $coll is reached,
   *  or the end of the array is reached.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @param  xs     the array to fill.
   *  @param  start  the starting index.
   *  @tparam B      the type of the elements of the array. 
   *  @usecase def copyToArray(xs: Array[A], start: Int): Unit
  def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int): Unit
  def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Unit
  /** Displays all elements of this $coll in a string using start, end, and
   *  separator strings.
   *  @param start the starting string.
   *  @param sep   the separator string.
   *  @param end   the ending string.
   *  @return      a string representation of this $coll. The resulting string
   *               begins with the string `start` and ends with the string
   *               `end`. Inside, the string representations (w.r.t. the method
   *               `toString`) of all elements of this $coll are separated by
   *               the string `sep`.
   *  @example  `List(1, 2, 3).mkString("(", "; ", ")") = "(1; 2; 3)"`
  def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
  /** Displays all elements of this $coll in a string using a separator string.
   *  @param sep   the separator string.
   *  @return      a string representation of this $coll. In the resulting string
   *               the string representations (w.r.t. the method `toString`)
   *               of all elements of this $coll are separated by the string `sep`.
   *  @example  `List(1, 2, 3).mkString("|") = "1|2|3"`
  def mkString(sep: String): String
  /** Displays all elements of this $coll in a string.
   *  @return a string representation of this $coll. In the resulting string
   *          the string representations (w.r.t. the method `toString`)
   *          of all elements of this $coll follow each other without any
   *          separator string.
  def mkString: String
  /** Converts this $coll to an array.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @tparam B the type of the elements of the array. A `ClassManifest` for
   *            this type must be available.
   *  @return   an array containing all elements of this $coll.
   *  @usecase def toArray: Array[A]
   *  @return  an array containing all elements of this $coll.
   *           A `ClassManifest` must be available for the element type of this $coll.
  def toArray[A1 >: A: ClassManifest]: Array[A1]
  /** Converts this $coll to a list.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return a list containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toList: List[A]
  /** Converts this $coll to an indexed sequence.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return an indexed sequence containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toIndexedSeq[A1 >: A]: immutable.IndexedSeq[A1]
  /** Converts this $coll to a stream.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return a stream containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toStream: Stream[A]
  /** Returns an Iterator over the elements in this $coll.  Will return
   *  the same Iterator if this instance is already an Iterator.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return an Iterator containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toIterator: Iterator[A]
  /** Converts this $coll to a mutable buffer.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return a buffer containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toBuffer[A1 >: A]: collection.mutable.Buffer[A1]
  /** Converts this $coll to an unspecified Traversable.  Will return
   *  the same collection if this instance is already Traversable.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return a Traversable containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toTraversable: GenTraversable[A]
  /** Converts this $coll to an iterable collection.  Note that
   *  the choice of target `Iterable` is lazy in this default implementation
   *  as this `TraversableOnce` may be lazy and unevaluated (i.e. it may
   *  be an iterator which is only traversable once).
   *  $willNotTerminateInf 
   *  @return an `Iterable` containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toIterable: GenIterable[A]
  /** Converts this $coll to a sequence. As with `toIterable`, it's lazy
   *  in this default implementation, as this `TraversableOnce` may be
   *  lazy and unevaluated.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return a sequence containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toSeq: GenSeq[A]
  /** Converts this $coll to a set.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return      a set containing all elements of this $coll.
  def toSet[A1 >: A]: GenSet[A1]
  /** Converts this $coll to a map.  This method is unavailable unless
   *  the elements are members of Tuple2, each ((T, U)) becoming a key-value
   *  pair in the map.  Duplicate keys will be overwritten by later keys:
   *  if this is an unordered collection, which key is in the resulting map
   *  is undefined.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return    a map containing all elements of this $coll.
   *  @usecase   def toMap[T, U]: Map[T, U]
   *  @return    a map of type `immutable.Map[T, U]`
   *             containing all key/value pairs of type `(T, U)` of this $coll.
  def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: A <:< (K, V)): GenMap[K, V]