/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala.collection import generic._ import mutable.{ Builder, SetBuilder } import annotation.{migration, bridge} import parallel.ParSet /** A template trait for sets. * * $setNote * $setTags * @since 2.8 * * @define setNote * * A set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements. * * '''Implementation note:''' * This trait provides most of the operations of a `Set` independently of its representation. * It is typically inherited by concrete implementations of sets. * * To implement a concrete set, you need to provide implementations of the * following methods: * {{{ * def contains(key: A): Boolean * def iterator: Iterator[A] * def +(elem: A): This * def -(elem: A): This * }}} * If you wish that methods like `take`, `drop`, * `filter` return the same kind of set, you should also override: * {{{ * def empty: This * }}} * It is also good idea to override methods `foreach` and * `size` for efficiency. * * @define setTags * @tparam A the type of the elements of the set * @tparam This the type of the set itself. * * @author Martin Odersky * @version 2.8 * * @define coll set * @define Coll Set * @define willNotTerminateInf * @define mayNotTerminateInf */ trait SetLike[A, +This <: SetLike[A, This] with Set[A]] extends IterableLike[A, This] with GenSetLike[A, This] with Subtractable[A, This] with Parallelizable[A, ParSet[A]] { self => /** The empty set of the same type as this set * @return an empty set of type `This`. */ def empty: This /** A common implementation of `newBuilder` for all sets in terms * of `empty`. Overridden for mutable sets in * <a href="mutable/SetLike.html" target="ContentFrame"> * `mutable.SetLike`</a>. */ override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[A, This] = new SetBuilder[A, This](empty) protected[this] override def parCombiner = ParSet.newCombiner[A] /** Overridden for efficiency. */ override def toSeq: Seq[A] = toBuffer[A] override def toBuffer[A1 >: A]: mutable.Buffer[A1] = { val result = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[A1](size) copyToBuffer(result) result } // note: this is only overridden here to add the migration annotation, // which I hope to turn into an Xlint style warning as the migration aspect // is not central to its importance. @migration(2, 8, "Set.map now returns a Set, so it will discard duplicate values.") override def map[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]): That = super.map(f)(bf) /** Tests if some element is contained in this set. * * @param elem the element to test for membership. * @return `true` if `elem` is contained in this set, `false` otherwise. */ def contains(elem: A): Boolean /** Creates a new set with an additional element, unless the element is * already present. * * @param elem the element to be added * @return a new set that contains all elements of this set and that also * contains `elem`. */ def + (elem: A): This /** Creates a new $coll with additional elements. * * This method takes two or more elements to be added. Another overloaded * variant of this method handles the case where a single element is added. * * @param elem1 the first element to add. * @param elem2 the second element to add. * @param elems the remaining elements to add. * @return a new $coll with the given elements added. */ def + (elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): This = this + elem1 + elem2 ++ elems /** Creates a new $coll by adding all elements contained in another collection to this $coll. * * @param elems the collection containing the added elements. * @return a new $coll with the given elements added. */ def ++ (elems: GenTraversableOnce[A]): This = (repr /: elems.seq)(_ + _) @bridge def ++ (elems: TraversableOnce[A]): This = ++ (elems: GenTraversableOnce[A]) /** Creates a new set with a given element removed from this set. * * @param elem the element to be removed * @return a new set that contains all elements of this set but that does not * contain `elem`. */ def - (elem: A): This /** Tests if this set is empty. * * @return `true` if there is no element in the set, `false` otherwise. */ override def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0 /** This method is an alias for `intersect`. * It computes an intersection with set `that`. * It removes all the elements that are not present in `that`. * * @param that the set to intersect with */ @deprecated("use & instead", "2.8.0") def ** (that: Set[A]): This = &(that) /** Computes the union between of set and another set. * * @param that the set to form the union with. * @return a new set consisting of all elements that are in this * set or in the given set `that`. */ def union(that: GenSet[A]): This = this ++ that @bridge def union(that: Set[A]): This = union(that: GenSet[A]) /** Computes the difference of this set and another set. * * @param that the set of elements to exclude. * @return a set containing those elements of this * set that are not also contained in the given set `that`. */ def diff(that: GenSet[A]): This = this -- that @bridge def diff(that: Set[A]): This = diff(that: GenSet[A]) /** An iterator over all subsets of this set of the given size. * If the requested size is impossible, an empty iterator is returned. * * @param len the size of the subsets. * @return the iterator. */ def subsets(len: Int): Iterator[This] = { if (len < 0 || len > size) Iterator.empty else new SubsetsItr(self.toIndexedSeq, len) } /** An iterator over all subsets of this set. * * @return the iterator. */ def subsets: Iterator[This] = new Iterator[This] { private val elms = self.toIndexedSeq private var len = 0 private var itr: Iterator[This] = Iterator.empty def hasNext = len <= elms.size || itr.hasNext def next = { if (!itr.hasNext) { if (len > elms.size) Iterator.empty.next else { itr = new SubsetsItr(elms, len) len += 1 } } itr.next } } /** An Iterator include all subsets containing exactly len elements. * If the elements in 'This' type is ordered, then the subsets will also be in the same order. * ListSet(1,2,3).subsets => {1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}} * * @author Eastsun * @date 2010.12.6 */ private class SubsetsItr(elms: IndexedSeq[A], len: Int) extends Iterator[This] { private val idxs = Array.range(0, len+1) private var _hasNext = true idxs(len) = elms.size def hasNext = _hasNext def next: This = { if (!hasNext) Iterator.empty.next val buf = self.newBuilder idxs.slice(0, len) foreach (idx => buf += elms(idx)) val result = buf.result var i = len - 1 while (i >= 0 && idxs(i) == idxs(i+1)-1) i -= 1 if (i < 0) _hasNext = false else { idxs(i) += 1 for (j <- (i+1) until len) idxs(j) = idxs(j-1) + 1 } result } } /** Defines the prefix of this object's `toString` representation. * @return a string representation which starts the result of `toString` applied to this set. * Unless overridden this is simply `"Set"`. */ override def stringPrefix: String = "Set" override def toString = super[IterableLike].toString }