 * Copyright (c) 2011-13 Miles Sabin 
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package shapeless

import scala.language.experimental.macros

import scala.reflect.macros.Context

import poly._

 * An implementation of [http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/simonpj/papers/hmap/ 
 * "Scrap your boilerplate with class"] in Scala.
 * @author Miles Sabin

 * Type class representing one-level generic queries.
trait Data[F, T, R] {
  def gmapQ(t : T) : List[R]

trait LowPriorityData {
   * Default Data type class instance.
  implicit def dfltData[F, T, R]: Data[F, T, R] = new Data[F, T, R] {
    def gmapQ(t : T) : List[R] = Nil

   * Data type class instance for types with associated `Generic`s.
   * The use of a macro here is essential to support resolution of recursive references.
  implicit def genericData[F <: Poly, T, R, U](implicit gen : Generic.Aux[T, R]): Data[F, T, U] =
    macro DataMacros.genericDataImpl[F, T, R, U]

object Data extends LowPriorityData {
  def gmapQ[F, T, R](f : F)(t : T)(implicit data : Data[F, T, R]) = data.gmapQ(t)

   * Data type class instance for `List`s.
  implicit def listData[F <: Poly, T, R](implicit qt : Case1.Aux[F, T, R]): Data[F, List[T], R] = new Data[F, List[T], R] {
    def gmapQ(t : List[T]) = t.map(qt)
   * Data type class instance for `HList`s.
  implicit def hnilData[F <: Poly, R]: Data[F, HNil, R] =
    new Data[F, HNil, R] {
      def gmapQ(t : HNil) = Nil

  // Use of macro here is solely to prevent spurious implicit divergence
  implicit def hlistData[F <: Poly, H, T <: HList, R](implicit qh : Case1.Aux[F, H, R], ct : Data[F, T, R]) =
    macro DataMacros.hlistDataImpl[F, H, T, R]
   * Data type class instance for `Coproducts`s.
  implicit def cnilData[F <: Poly, R]: Data[F, CNil, R] =
    new Data[F, CNil, R] {
      def gmapQ(t : CNil) = Nil

  // Use of macro here is solely to prevent spurious implicit divergence
  implicit def coproductData[F <: Poly, H, T <: Coproduct, R](implicit qh : Case1.Aux[F, H, R], ct : Data[F, T, R]) =
    macro DataMacros.coproductDataImpl[F, H, T, R]

object DataMacros {
  def genericDataImpl[F: c.WeakTypeTag, T: c.WeakTypeTag, R: c.WeakTypeTag, U: c.WeakTypeTag]
    (c: Context)(gen: c.Expr[Generic.Aux[T, R]]): c.Expr[Data[F, T, U]] = {
    import c.universe._
    import Flag._

    val hlistSym = c.mirror.staticClass("shapeless.HList")
    val hlistTpe = hlistSym.asClass.toType
    val coproductSym = c.mirror.staticClass("shapeless.Coproduct")
    val coproductTpe = coproductSym.asClass.toType

    val fTpe = weakTypeOf[F]
    val tTpe = weakTypeOf[T]
    val rTpe = weakTypeOf[R]
    val uTpe = weakTypeOf[U]

    if(tTpe <:< hlistTpe || tTpe <:< coproductTpe) {
      c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "HLists and Coproducts not handled here")

    val dataSym = c.mirror.staticClass("shapeless.Data")

    val pendingSuperCall = Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List())

    val thisDataTypeTree =
        List(TypeTree(fTpe), TypeTree(tTpe), TypeTree(uTpe))

    val reprDataTypeTree = 
        List(TypeTree(fTpe), TypeTree(rTpe), TypeTree(uTpe))

    val recName = newTermName(c.fresh)
    val className = newTypeName(c.fresh)
    val genericName = newTermName(c.fresh)
    val reprDataName = newTermName(c.fresh)

    val recClass =
      ClassDef(Modifiers(FINAL), className, List(),
             // Implicit publication of this to tie the knot
            ValDef(Modifiers(IMPLICIT), recName, thisDataTypeTree, This(tpnme.EMPTY)), 

              Modifiers(), nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(),
              Block(List(pendingSuperCall), Literal(Constant(())))

              Modifiers(), newTermName("gmapQ"), List(),
              List(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), newTermName("t"), TypeTree(tTpe), EmptyTree))),
                  ValDef(Modifiers(), genericName, TypeTree(), gen.tree),
                  // Resolve the Data instance for the representation here, within the
                  // scope of the implicit self-publication above, allowing successful
                  // resolution of recursive references
                  ValDef(Modifiers(), reprDataName, reprDataTypeTree,
                      Select(Ident(definitions.PredefModule), newTermName("implicitly")),
                  Select(Ident(reprDataName), newTermName("gmapQ")),
                      Select(Ident(genericName), newTermName("to")),

    val block =
        Apply(Select(New(Ident(className)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List())

    c.Expr[Data[F, T, U]](block)
  def hlistDataImpl[F: c.WeakTypeTag, H: c.WeakTypeTag, T <: HList: c.WeakTypeTag, R: c.WeakTypeTag]
    (c: Context)(qh: c.Expr[Case1.Aux[F, H, R]], ct: c.Expr[Data[F, T, R]]): c.Expr[Data[F, H :: T, R]] = {
    import c.universe._

    reify {
      new Data[F, H :: T, R] {
        val qhs = qh.splice
        val cts = ct.splice
        def gmapQ(t : H :: T) = qhs(t.head :: HNil) :: cts.gmapQ(t.tail)

  def coproductDataImpl[F: c.WeakTypeTag, H: c.WeakTypeTag, T <: Coproduct: c.WeakTypeTag, R: c.WeakTypeTag]
    (c: Context)(qh : c.Expr[Case1.Aux[F, H, R]], ct : c.Expr[Data[F, T, R]]): c.Expr[Data[F, H :+: T, R]] = { 
    import c.universe._
    reify {
      new Data[F, H :+: T, R] {
        val qhs = qh.splice
        val cts = ct.splice
        def gmapQ(c : H :+: T) = c match {
          case Inl(h) => List(qhs(h :: HNil))
          case Inr(t) => cts.gmapQ(t)

 * Type class representing one-level generic transformations.
trait DataT[F, T, U] {
  def gmapT(t : T) : U

trait LowPriorityDataT {
   * Default DataT type class instance.
  implicit def dfltDataT[F, T, U](implicit ev: T <:< U) : DataT[F, T, U] = new DataT[F, T, U] {
    def gmapT(t : T) = t

   * DataT type class instance for type with associated `Generics`s.
   * The use of a macro here is essential to support resolution of recursive references.
  implicit def genericDataT[F <: Poly, T, R](implicit gen : Generic.Aux[T, R]): DataT[F, T, T] =
    macro DataTMacros.genericDataTImpl[F, T, R]

object DataT extends LowPriorityDataT {
  def gmapT[F, T, U](f : F)(t : T)(implicit data : DataT[F, T, U]) = data.gmapT(t)

   * DataT type class instance for `List`s.
  implicit def listDataT[F <:  Poly, T, U](implicit ft : Case1.Aux[F, T, U]): DataT[F, List[T], List[U]] =
    new DataT[F, List[T], List[U]] {
      def gmapT(t : List[T]) = t.map(ft)
   * DataT type class instance for `HList`s.
  implicit def hnilDataT[F <: Poly]: DataT[F, HNil, HNil] =
    new DataT[F, HNil, HNil] {
      def gmapT(t : HNil) = HNil

  // Use of macro here is solely to prevent spurious implicit divergence
  implicit def hlistDataT[F <: Poly, H, T <: HList, U, V <: HList]
    (implicit fh : Case1.Aux[F, H, U], ct : DataT[F, T, V]) = macro DataTMacros.hlistDataTImpl[F, H, T, U, V]

   * DataT type class instance for `Coproducts`s.
  implicit def cnilDataT[F <: Poly]: DataT[F, CNil, CNil] =
    new DataT[F, CNil, CNil] {
      def gmapT(t : CNil) = sys.error("CNil is equivelant to Nothing there should be no values of this type")

  // Use of macro here is solely to prevent spurious implicit divergence
  implicit def coproductDataT[F <: Poly, H, T <: Coproduct, U, V <: Coproduct]
    (implicit fh : Case1.Aux[F, H, U], ct : DataT[F, T, V]) = macro DataTMacros.coproductDataTImpl[F, H, T, U, V]

object DataTMacros {
  def genericDataTImpl[F: c.WeakTypeTag, T: c.WeakTypeTag, R: c.WeakTypeTag]
    (c: Context)(gen: c.Expr[Generic.Aux[T, R]]): c.Expr[DataT[F, T, T]] = {
    import c.universe._
    import Flag._

    val hlistSym = c.mirror.staticClass("shapeless.HList")
    val hlistTpe = hlistSym.asClass.toType
    val coproductSym = c.mirror.staticClass("shapeless.Coproduct")
    val coproductTpe = coproductSym.asClass.toType

    val fTpe = weakTypeOf[F]
    val tTpe = weakTypeOf[T]
    val rTpe = weakTypeOf[R]

    if(tTpe <:< hlistTpe || tTpe <:< coproductTpe) {
      c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "HLists and Coproducts not handled here")

    val dataTSym = c.mirror.staticClass("shapeless.DataT")

    val pendingSuperCall = Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List())

    val thisDataTTypeTree =
        List(TypeTree(fTpe), TypeTree(tTpe), TypeTree(tTpe))

    val reprDataTTypeTree = 
        List(TypeTree(fTpe), TypeTree(rTpe), TypeTree(rTpe))

    val recName = newTermName(c.fresh)
    val className = newTypeName(c.fresh)
    val genericName = newTermName(c.fresh)
    val reprDataTName = newTermName(c.fresh)

    val recClass =
      ClassDef(Modifiers(FINAL), className, List(),
             // Implicit publication of this to tie the knot
            ValDef(Modifiers(IMPLICIT), recName, thisDataTTypeTree, This(tpnme.EMPTY)), 

              Modifiers(), nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(),
              Block(List(pendingSuperCall), Literal(Constant(())))

              Modifiers(), newTermName("gmapT"), List(),
              List(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), newTermName("t"), TypeTree(tTpe), EmptyTree))),
                  ValDef(Modifiers(), genericName, TypeTree(), gen.tree),
                  // Resolve the DataT instance for the representation here, within the
                  // scope of the implicit self-publication above, allowing successful
                  // resolution of recursive references
                  ValDef(Modifiers(), reprDataTName, reprDataTTypeTree,
                      Select(Ident(definitions.PredefModule), newTermName("implicitly")),
                  Select(Ident(genericName), newTermName("from")),
                      Select(Ident(reprDataTName), newTermName("gmapT")),
                          Select(Ident(genericName), newTermName("to")),

    val block =
        Apply(Select(New(Ident(className)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List())

    c.Expr[DataT[F, T, T]](block)
  def hlistDataTImpl[F: c.WeakTypeTag, H: c.WeakTypeTag, T <: HList: c.WeakTypeTag, U: c.WeakTypeTag, V <: HList: c.WeakTypeTag]
    (c: Context)(fh: c.Expr[Case1.Aux[F, H, U]], ct: c.Expr[DataT[F, T, V]]): c.Expr[DataT[F, H :: T, U :: V]] = {
    import c.universe._

    reify {
      new DataT[F, H :: T, U :: V] {
        val fhs = fh.splice
        val cts = ct.splice
        def gmapT(t : H :: T): U :: V = fhs(t.head :: HNil) :: cts.gmapT(t.tail)

  def coproductDataTImpl[F: c.WeakTypeTag, H: c.WeakTypeTag, T <: Coproduct: c.WeakTypeTag, U: c.WeakTypeTag, V <: Coproduct: c.WeakTypeTag]
    (c: Context)(fh : c.Expr[Case1.Aux[F, H, U]], ct : c.Expr[DataT[F, T, V]]): c.Expr[DataT[F, H :+: T, U :+: V]] = { 
    import c.universe._
    reify {
      new DataT[F, H :+: T, U :+: V] {
        val fhs = fh.splice
        val cts = ct.splice
        def gmapT(c : H :+: T) = c match {
          case Inl(h) => Inl(fhs(h :: HNil))
          case Inr(t) => Inr(cts.gmapT(t))

class EverythingAux[F, K] extends Poly

trait LowPriorityEverythingAux {
  implicit def generic[E, F <: Poly, K <: Poly, T, G, R]
    (implicit unpack: Unpack2[E, EverythingAux, F, K], f : Case1.Aux[F, T, R], gen: Generic.Aux[T, G], data : Data[E, G, R], k : Case2.Aux[K, R, R, R]) =
      Case1[E, T, R](t => data.gmapQ(gen.to(t)).foldLeft(f(t))(k))

object EverythingAux extends LowPriorityEverythingAux {
  implicit def default[E, F <: Poly, K <: Poly, T, R]
    (implicit unpack: Unpack2[E, EverythingAux, F, K], f : Case1.Aux[F, T, R], data : Data[E, T, R], k : Case2.Aux[K, R, R, R]) =
      Case1[E, T, R](t => data.gmapQ(t).foldLeft(f(t))(k))

class EverywhereAux[F] extends Poly

trait LowPriorityEverywhereAux {
  implicit def generic[E, F <: Poly, T, G]
    (implicit unpack: Unpack1[E, EverywhereAux, F], gen: Generic.Aux[T, G], data : DataT[E, G, G], f : Case1[F, T] = Case1[F, T, T](identity)): Case1[E, T] { type Result = f.Result } =
      Case1[E, T, f.Result](t => f(gen.from(data.gmapT(gen.to(t)))))

object EverywhereAux extends LowPriorityEverywhereAux {
  implicit def default[E, F <: Poly, T, U]
    (implicit unpack: Unpack1[E, EverywhereAux, F], data : DataT[E, T, U], f : Case1[F, U] = Case1[F, U, U](identity)): Case1[E, T] { type Result = f.Result } =
      Case1[E, T, f.Result](t => f(data.gmapT(t)))