/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala.sys /** A lightweight interface wrapping a property contained in some * unspecified map. Generally it'll be the system properties but this * is not a requirement. * * See `scala.sys.SystemProperties` for an example usage. * * @author Paul Phillips * @version 2.9 * @since 2.9 */ trait Prop[+T] { /** The full name of the property, e.g. "java.awt.headless". */ def key: String /** If the key exists in the properties map, converts the value * to type `T` using valueFn. As yet no validation is performed: * it will throw an exception on a failed conversion. * @return the converted value, or `zero` if not in the map */ def value: T /** True if the key exists in the properties map. Note that this * is not sufficient for a Boolean property to be considered true. * @return whether the map contains the key */ def isSet: Boolean /** Sets the property. * * @param the new string value * @return the old value, or null if it was unset. */ def set(newValue: String): String /** Sets the property with a value of the represented type. */ def setValue[T1 >: T](value: T1): T /** Gets the current string value if any. Will not return null: use * `isSet` to test for existence. * @return the current string value if any, else the empty string */ def get: String /** Some(value) if the property is set, None otherwise. */ def option: Option[T] /** Removes the property from the underlying map. */ def clear(): Unit /** A value of type `T` for use when the property is unset. * The default implementation delivers null for reference types * and 0/0.0/false for non-reference types. */ protected def zero: T } object Prop { /** A creator of property instances. For any type `T`, if an implicit * parameter of type Creator[T] is in scope, a Prop[T] can be created * via this object's apply method. */ @annotation.implicitNotFound("No implicit property creator available for type ${T}.") trait Creator[+T] { /** Creates a Prop[T] of this type based on the given key. */ def apply(key: String): Prop[T] } implicit object FileProp extends CreatorImpl[java.io.File](s => new java.io.File(s)) implicit object StringProp extends CreatorImpl[String](s => s) implicit object IntProp extends CreatorImpl[Int](_.toInt) implicit object DoubleProp extends CreatorImpl[Double](_.toDouble) def apply[T: Creator](key: String): Prop[T] = implicitly[Creator[T]] apply key }