package scala.runtime
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import math.ScalaNumericConversions
import immutable.NumericRange
import Proxy.Typed
abstract class ScalaNumberProxy[T: Numeric] extends ScalaNumericConversions with Typed[T] with OrderedProxy[T] {
private val num = implicitly[Numeric[T]]
protected val ord: Ordering[T] = num
def underlying() = self.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
def doubleValue() = num.toDouble(self)
def floatValue() = num.toFloat(self)
def longValue() = num.toLong(self)
def intValue() = num.toInt(self)
def min(that: T): T = num.min(self, that)
def max(that: T): T = num.max(self, that)
def abs = num.abs(self)
def signum = num.signum(self)
abstract class ScalaWholeNumberProxy[T: Numeric] extends ScalaNumberProxy[T] {
def isWhole() = true
abstract class IntegralProxy[T : Integral] extends ScalaWholeNumberProxy[T] with RangedProxy[T] {
private lazy val num = implicitly[Integral[T]]
type ResultWithoutStep = NumericRange[T]
def until(end: T): NumericRange.Exclusive[T] = NumericRange(self, end,
def until(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Exclusive[T] = NumericRange(self, end, step)
def to(end: T): NumericRange.Inclusive[T] = NumericRange.inclusive(self, end,
def to(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Inclusive[T] = NumericRange.inclusive(self, end, step)
abstract class FractionalProxy[T : Fractional] extends ScalaNumberProxy[T] with RangedProxy[T] {
def isWhole() = false
protected implicit def integralNum: Integral[T]
private lazy val num = implicitly[Fractional[T]]
type ResultWithoutStep = Range.Partial[T, NumericRange[T]]
def until(end: T): ResultWithoutStep = new Range.Partial(NumericRange(self, end, _))
def until(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Exclusive[T] = NumericRange(self, end, step)
def to(end: T): ResultWithoutStep = new Range.Partial(NumericRange.inclusive(self, end, _))
def to(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Inclusive[T] = NumericRange.inclusive(self, end, step)
trait OrderedProxy[T] extends Typed[T] with Ordered[T] {
protected def ord: Ordering[T]
def compare(y: T) =, y)
trait RangedProxy[T] extends Typed[T] {
type ResultWithoutStep
def until(end: T): ResultWithoutStep
def until(end: T, step: T): immutable.IndexedSeq[T]
def to(end: T): ResultWithoutStep
def to(end: T, step: T): immutable.IndexedSeq[T]
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