package scala.collection.parallel

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
import scala.collection.generic.Sizing

package object mutable {
  /* aliases */
  type ParArrayCombiner[T] = ResizableParArrayCombiner[T]
  val ParArrayCombiner = ResizableParArrayCombiner
  /* classes and traits */
  private[mutable] trait SizeMapUtils {
    protected def calcNumElems(from: Int, until: Int, tableLength: Int, sizeMapBucketSize: Int) = {
      // find the first bucket
      val fbindex = from / sizeMapBucketSize
      // find the last bucket
      val lbindex = until / sizeMapBucketSize
      // note to self: FYI if you define lbindex as from / sizeMapBucketSize, the first branch
      // below always triggers and tests pass, so you spend a great day benchmarking and profiling
      if (fbindex == lbindex) {
        // if first and last are the same, just count between `from` and `until`
        // return this count
        countElems(from, until)
      } else {
        // otherwise count in first, then count in last
        val fbuntil = ((fbindex + 1) * sizeMapBucketSize) min tableLength
        val fbcount = countElems(from, fbuntil)
        val lbstart = lbindex * sizeMapBucketSize
        val lbcount = countElems(lbstart, until)

        // and finally count the elements in all the buckets between first and last using a sizemap
        val inbetween = countBucketSizes(fbindex + 1, lbindex)
        // return the sum
        fbcount + inbetween + lbcount
    protected def countElems(from: Int, until: Int): Int
    protected def countBucketSizes(fromBucket: Int, untilBucket: Int): Int
  /* hack-arounds */
  private[mutable] class ExposedArrayBuffer[T] extends ArrayBuffer[T] with Sizing {
    def internalArray = array
    def setInternalSize(s: Int) = size0 = s
    override def sizeHint(len: Int) = {
      if (len > size && len >= 1) {
        val newarray = new Array[AnyRef](len)
        Array.copy(array, 0, newarray, 0, size0)
        array = newarray
  private[mutable] class ExposedArraySeq[T](arr: Array[AnyRef], sz: Int) extends ArraySeq[T](sz) {
    override val array = arr
    override val length = sz
    override def stringPrefix = "ArraySeq"