package scala.collection
package parallel.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.mutable.Cloneable
import scala.collection.GenSetLike
trait ParSetLike[T,
+Repr <: ParSetLike[T, Repr, Sequential] with ParSet[T],
+Sequential <: mutable.Set[T] with mutable.SetLike[T, Sequential]]
extends GenSetLike[T, Repr]
with collection.parallel.ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential]
with collection.parallel.ParSetLike[T, Repr, Sequential]
with Cloneable[Repr]
self =>
override def empty: Repr
def +=(elem: T): this.type
def -=(elem: T): this.type
def +(elem: T) = this.clone() += elem
def -(elem: T) = this.clone() -= elem