package scala.collection.parallel
package mutable
import collection.generic._
import collection.mutable.Builder
import collection.mutable.Cloneable
trait ParMapLike[K,
+Repr <: ParMapLike[K, V, Repr, Sequential] with ParMap[K, V],
+Sequential <: collection.mutable.Map[K, V] with collection.mutable.MapLike[K, V, Sequential]]
extends collection.GenMapLike[K, V, Repr]
with collection.parallel.ParMapLike[K, V, Repr, Sequential]
with Cloneable[Repr] {
def put(key: K, value: V): Option[V]
def +=(kv: (K, V)): this.type
def -=(key: K): this.type
def +[U >: V](kv: (K, U)) = this.clone().asInstanceOf[ParMap[K, U]] += kv
def -(key: K) = this.clone() -= key
def clear(): Unit