package scala.collection.parallel.mutable
import scala.collection.generic.Growable
import scala.collection.generic.Sizing
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.Combiner
trait LazyCombiner[Elem, +To, Buff <: Growable[Elem] with Sizing] extends Combiner[Elem, To]
val chain: ArrayBuffer[Buff]
val lastbuff = chain.last
def +=(elem: Elem) = { lastbuff += elem; this }
def result: To = allocateAndCopy
def clear = { chain.clear }
def combine[N <: Elem, NewTo >: To](other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo] = if (this ne other) {
if (other.isInstanceOf[LazyCombiner[_, _, _]]) {
val that = other.asInstanceOf[LazyCombiner[Elem, To, Buff]]
newLazyCombiner(chain ++= that.chain)
} else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot combine with combiner of different type.")
} else this
def size = chain.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size)
def allocateAndCopy: To
def newLazyCombiner(buffchain: ArrayBuffer[Buff]): LazyCombiner[Elem, To, Buff]