/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |    http://scala-lang.org/               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala

 *   Represents a value of one of two possible
 *   types (a disjoint union). The data constructors [[scala.Left]] and
 *   [[scala.Right]] represent the two possible values.
 *   The `Either` type is often used as an alternative to 
 *   [[scala.Option]] where `Left` represents failure
 *   (by convention) and `Right` is akin to `Some`.
 *  @author <a href="mailto:research@workingmouse.com">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
 *  @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
 *  @since 2.7
sealed abstract class Either[+A, +B] {
   * Projects this `Either` as a `Left`.
  def left = Either.LeftProjection(this)

   * Projects this `Either` as a `Right`.
  def right = Either.RightProjection(this)

   * Applies `fa` if this is a `Left` or `fb` if this is a `Right`.
   * @param fa the function to apply if this is a `Left`
   * @param fb the function to apply if this is a `Right`
   * @return the results of applying the function
  def fold[X](fa: A => X, fb: B => X) = this match {
    case Left(a) => fa(a)
    case Right(b) => fb(b)

   * If this is a `Left`, then return the left value in `Right` or vice versa.
  def swap = this match {
    case Left(a) => Right(a)
    case Right(b) => Left(b)
   * Joins an `Either` through `Right`.
  def joinRight[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: B1 <:< Either[A1, C]): Either[A1, C] = this match {
    case Left(a)  => Left(a)
    case Right(b) => b
   * Joins an `Either` through `Left`.
  def joinLeft[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: A1 <:< Either[C, B1]): Either[C, B1] = this match {
    case Left(a)  => a
    case Right(b) => Right(b)

   * Returns `true` if this is a `Left`, `false` otherwise.
  def isLeft: Boolean
   * Returns `true` if this is a `Right`, `false` otherwise.
  def isRight: Boolean

 * The left side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the `Right` side.
 * @author <a href="mailto:research@workingmouse.com">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
 * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
final case class Left[+A, +B](a: A) extends Either[A, B] { 
  def isLeft = true
  def isRight = false

 * The right side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the `Left` side.
 * @author <a href="mailto:research@workingmouse.com">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
 * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008 
final case class Right[+A, +B](b: B) extends Either[A, B] {
  def isLeft = false
  def isRight = true

object Either {
  class MergeableEither[A](x: Either[A, A]) {
    def merge: A = x match {
      case Left(a)  => a
      case Right(a) => a
  implicit def either2mergeable[A](x: Either[A, A]): MergeableEither[A] = new MergeableEither(x)

   * Projects an `Either` into a `Left`.
   * @author <a href="mailto:research@workingmouse.com">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
   * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
  final case class LeftProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) {
     * Returns the value from this `Left` or throws `Predef.NoSuchElementException`
     * if this is a `Right`.
     * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the option is empty.
    def get = e match {
      case Left(a) => a
      case Right(_) =>  throw new NoSuchElementException("Either.left.value on Right")

     * Executes the given side-effect if this is a `Left`.
     * @param e The side-effect to execute.
    def foreach[U](f: A => U) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(_) => {}

     * Returns the value from this `Left` or the given argument if this is a
     * `Right`.
    def getOrElse[AA >: A](or: => AA) = e match {
      case Left(a) => a
      case Right(_) => or

     * Returns `true` if `Right` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Left` value.
    def forall(f: A => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(_) => true

     * Returns `false` if `Right` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Left` value.
    def exists(f: A => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(_) => false

     * Binds the given function across `Left`.
     * @param The function to bind across `Left`.
    def flatMap[BB >: B, X](f: A => Either[X, BB]) = e match {
      case Left(a) => f(a)
      case Right(b) => Right(b)

     * Maps the function argument through `Left`.
    def map[X](f: A => X) = e match {
      case Left(a) => Left(f(a))
      case Right(b) => Right(b)

     * Returns `None` if this is a `Right` or if the given predicate
     * `p` does not hold for the left value, otherwise, returns a `Left`.
    def filter[Y](p: A => Boolean): Option[Either[A, Y]] = e match {
      case Left(a) => if(p(a)) Some(Left(a)) else None
      case Right(b) => None

     * Returns a `Seq` containing the `Left` value if it exists or an empty
     * `Seq` if this is a `Right`.
    def toSeq = e match {
      case Left(a) => Seq(a)
      case Right(_) => Seq.empty

     * Returns a `Some` containing the `Left` value if it exists or a
     * `None` if this is a `Right`.
    def toOption = e match {
      case Left(a) => Some(a)
      case Right(_) => None

   * Projects an `Either` into a `Right`.
   * @author <a href="mailto:research@workingmouse.com">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
   * @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
  final case class RightProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) {
     * Returns the value from this `Right` or throws 
     * `Predef.NoSuchElementException` if this is a `Left`.
     * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the projection is `Left`.
    def get = e match {
      case Left(_) =>  throw new NoSuchElementException("Either.right.value on Left")
      case Right(a) => a

     * Executes the given side-effect if this is a `Right`.
     * @param e The side-effect to execute.
    def foreach[U](f: B => U) = e match {
      case Left(_) => {}
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Returns the value from this `Right` or the given argument if this is a
     * `Left`.
    def getOrElse[BB >: B](or: => BB) = e match {
      case Left(_) => or
      case Right(b) => b

     * Returns `true` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Right` value.
    def forall(f: B => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(_) => true
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Returns `false` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
     * the given function to the `Right` value.
    def exists(f: B => Boolean) = e match {
      case Left(_) => false
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Binds the given function across `Right`.
     * @param The function to bind across `Right`.
    def flatMap[AA >: A, Y](f: B => Either[AA, Y]) = e match {
      case Left(a) => Left(a)
      case Right(b) => f(b)

     * Maps the function argument through `Right`.
    def map[Y](f: B => Y) = e match {
      case Left(a) => Left(a)
      case Right(b) => Right(f(b))

    /** Returns `None` if this is a `Left` or if the
     *  given predicate `p` does not hold for the right value,
     *  otherwise, returns a `Right`.
    def filter[X](p: B => Boolean): Option[Either[X, B]] = e match {
      case Left(_) => None
      case Right(b) => if(p(b)) Some(Right(b)) else None

    /** Returns a `Seq` containing the `Right` value if
     *  it exists or an empty `Seq` if this is a `Left`.
    def toSeq = e match {
      case Left(_) => Seq.empty
      case Right(b) => Seq(b)

    /** Returns a `Some` containing the `Right` value
     *  if it exists or a `None` if this is a `Left`.
    def toOption = e match {
      case Left(_) => None
      case Right(b) => Some(b)

  @deprecated("use `x.joinLeft'", "2.8.0")
  def joinLeft[A, B](es: Either[Either[A, B], B]) =
    es.left.flatMap(x => x)

  @deprecated("use `x.joinRight'", "2.8.0")
  def joinRight[A, B](es: Either[A, Either[A, B]]) =
    es.right.flatMap(x => x)
   * Takes an `Either` to its contained value within `Left` or 
   * `Right`.
  @deprecated("use `x.merge'", "2.8.0")
  def merge[T](e: Either[T, T]) = e match {
    case Left(t) => t
    case Right(t) => t
  /** If the condition satisfies, return the given A in `Left`,
   *  otherwise, return the given B in `Right`.
  def cond[A, B](test: Boolean, right: => B, left: => A): Either[A, B] = 
    if (test) Right(right) else Left(left)