


1. Introduction

2. Type Classes in Haskell 2.1 Single-parameter type classes 2.2 Common extensions
3. Implicits 3.1 Implicits in Scala 3.2 Implicits as the missing link
4. The CONCEPT Pattern 4.1 Concepts: type-class-style interfaces in OO
5. Applications and Comparison with Type Classes
  5.1 Ordering concept
  5.2 Abstract data types
  5.3 Statically-typed printf
  5.4 Type class programs are OO programs

6. Advanced Uses of Type Classes 6.1 Associated types in GHC Haskell 6.2 Implicits and type members 6.3 Session types 6.4 Arity-polymorphic ZipWith in Scala 6.5 ZipWith using prioritised overlapping implicits 6.6 Encoding generalized constraints 6.7 Type theories using implicits
7. Discussion and Related Work 7.1 Real-world applications 7.2 Type classes, JavaGI and concepts 7.3 Generic programming in the large
8. Conclusion
  • 2010年の論文

    • 2.8.0が出る前
    • 2.8.0.final がでたのは 2010/7/14
  • 書いた人

    • Odersky先生
    • Adriaan Moors( EPFLの人で、昔からScala関わってる人 )
    • Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (誰?)
> 型クラス <
 ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
> implicit <
 ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄


Haskell と Scala

Start Haskell に行って、Scalaの話をしてきた

1 簡単な例(ord)を出して、Scalaでの型クラスを説明



trait Ord [T] {
  def compare (a :T,b :T):Boolean


implicit object intOrd extends Ord [Int] {
  def compare (a :Int,b :Int):Boolean = a < b


scala> sort (List (3,2,1))
List (1,2,3)

2 Scalaと対比させつつ、Haskellでの型クラスの説明

Multiple parameter type class

class Coerce a b where
  coerce :: a -> b

instance Coerce Char Int where
  coerce = ord

instance Coerce Float Int where
  coerce = floor

Overlapping instance

instance Ord a -> Ord [a] where ...

instance Ord [Int] where ...

3 Scalaにおけるimplicit(parameterとconversion両方)の詳細な説明

  • 初歩的なimplicit自体の文法の説明
  • 単にデフォルト値的な使い方できるよね
  • implicit が、scopeを持てる、それによる優先度について
  • この章で Pimp my Library について軽く説明あるのだけど、なぜここででてくるのかいまいち流れがわからない・・・

4 Concept Pattern

Concept Patternの利点として以下の点があるらしい

  1. Retroactive modeling
  2. Multiple method
  3. Binary(or n-ary)methods
  4. Factory methods


trait Ord[T]{
  def compare(x:T):Boolean

class Apple(x:Int) extends Ord[Apple]
a = new Apple(3);

a.compare(new Apple(5));
a = new Apple(3);

ordApple.compare(a,new Apple(5));
  • C#の拡張メソッド
  • Haskellのtype class
  • JavaGI
  • C++0x の concepts


implimentation Iterable<Character> [String] {
  public Iterator<Character> iterator() {
    return new Iterator<Character>() {
      private int index = 0;
      public boolean hasNext() { return index < length(); }
      public Character next() { return charAt(index++); }


This make the pattern very natural to use without an additional, pattern-specific, language construct.


5 以下の様な、実際によくある様な例をだして、Type classでのアプローチと、オブジェクト指向でのアプローチの比較。(また、すべての例について、Haskellのコードもあって、Haskellとの比較も?)

  1. Ordering concept
  2. Abstract data types
  3. Statically-typed printf
  4. Type class programs are OO programs
  1. 1 さんざん例でつかってきた Ord について
  1. 2 以下の様な例を使って、ADTとtype classについての考察

trait Set[S]{
  val empty:S
  def insert(x:S,y:Int):S
  def contains(x:S,y:Int):Boolean
  def union(x:S,y:S):S

trait ListSet extends Set[List[Int]]{
  val empty = List()
  def insert(x:List[Int],y:Int) = y :: x
  def contains(x:List[Int],y:Int) = x.contains(y)
  def union(x:List[Int],y:List[Int]) = x.union(y)

trait FunctionalSet extends Set[Int => Boolean]{
  val empty = (x:Int) => false
  def insert(f:Int => Boolean,y:Int) =
    z => y.equal(z) | f(z)
  def contains(f:Int => Boolean,y:Int) = f(y)
  def union(f:Int => Boolean,g:Int => Boolean) =
    y => f(y) | g(y)

val setImpl1 = new ListSet()
val setImpl2 = new FunctionalSet()
def test1[S](s:Set[S]):Boolean =

6 は更に高度な話で、ここをちゃんと説明するのは無理ぽ・・・

  • まず、HaskellでのAssociated typeの説明
  • 次に、Scalaでtype member + dependet method type を使って、Associated typeをどのように表現するか?という話
  • session type
  • Arity polymorphic ZipWith in Scala
  • ZipWith using prioritised overlapping implicits
  • encoding generalized constraints

  • Type theories using implicits

trait ZipWith[S] {
  type ZipWithType
  def manyApp : Stream[S] => ZipWithType
  def zipWith : S => ZipWithType =
    f => manyApp (repeat (f))

class ZipWithDefault f
  implicit def ZeroZW [S] = new ZipWith[S] f
    type ZipWithType = Stream[S]
    def manyApp = xs => xs

object ZipWith extends ZipWithDefault f
  def apply [S] (s: S) (implicit zw:ZipWith[S])
    :zw.ZipWithType = zw.zipWith (s)
  implicit def SuccZW [S,R](implicit zw:ZipWith[R])
    = new ZipWith[S => R] {
    type ZipWithType = Stream[S] => zw:ZipWithType
    def manyApp = xs => ss =>
      zw:manyApp (zapp (xs,ss))

7 Discussion and Related Work

  • 7.1 Real-world applications
  • 7.2 Type classes, JavaGI and concepts
  • 7.3 Generic programming in the large

7 にでてくる表
