 * Copyright (c) 2011-13 Miles Sabin 
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package shapeless
package syntax

import scala.annotation.tailrec

 * Carrier for `HList` operations.
 * These methods are implemented here and pimped onto the minimal `HList` types to avoid issues that would otherwise be
 * caused by the covariance of `::[H, T]`.
 * @author Miles Sabin
final class HListOps[L <: HList](l : L) {
  import ops.hlist._

   * Returns the head of this `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` is composite.
  def head(implicit c : IsHCons[L]) : c.H = c.head(l) 

   * Returns the tail of this `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` is composite.
  def tail(implicit c : IsHCons[L]) : c.T = c.tail(l)
   * Prepend the argument element to this `HList`.
  def ::[H](h : H) : H :: L = shapeless.::(h, l)

   * Prepend the argument element to this `HList`.
  def +:[H](h : H) : H :: L = shapeless.::(h, l)
   * Append the argument element to this `HList`.
  def :+[T](t : T)(implicit prepend : Prepend[L, T :: HNil]) : prepend.Out = prepend(l, t :: HNil)
   * Append the argument `HList` to this `HList`.
  def ++[S <: HList](suffix : S)(implicit prepend : Prepend[L, S]) : prepend.Out = prepend(l, suffix)
   * Prepend the argument `HList` to this `HList`.
  def ++:[P <: HList](prefix : P)(implicit prepend : Prepend[P, L]) : prepend.Out = prepend(prefix, l)
   * Prepend the argument `HList` to this `HList`.
  def :::[P <: HList](prefix : P)(implicit prepend : Prepend[P, L]) : prepend.Out = prepend(prefix, l)
   * Prepend the reverse of the argument `HList` to this `HList`.
  def reverse_:::[P <: HList](prefix : P)(implicit prepend : ReversePrepend[P, L]) : prepend.Out = prepend(prefix, l)

   * Returns the ''nth'' element of this `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only if there is
   * evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def apply[N <: Nat](implicit at : At[L, N]) : at.Out = at(l)

   * Returns the ''nth'' element of this `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n''
   * elements.
  def apply(n : Nat)(implicit at : At[L, n.N]) : at.Out = at(l)
   * Returns the ''nth'' element of this `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only if there is
   * evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def at[N <: Nat](implicit at : At[L, N]) : at.Out = at(l)

   * Returns the ''nth'' element of this `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n''
   * elements.
  def at(n : Nat)(implicit at : At[L, n.N]) : at.Out = at(l)
   * Returns the last element of this `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` is composite.
  def last(implicit last : Last[L]) : last.Out = last(l)

   * Returns an `HList` consisting of all the elements of this `HList` except the last. Available only if there is
   * evidence that this `HList` is composite.
  def init(implicit init : Init[L]) : init.Out = init(l)
   * Returns the first element of type `U` of this `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only
   * if there is evidence that this `HList` has an element of type `U`.
  def select[U](implicit selector : Selector[L, U]) : U = selector(l)

   * Returns all elements of type `U` of this `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided.
  def filter[U](implicit filter : Filter[L, U]) : filter.Out  = filter(l)

   * Returns all elements of type different than `U` of this `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided.
  def filterNot[U](implicit filter : FilterNot[L, U]) : filter.Out  = filter(l)
   * Returns the first element of type `U` of this `HList` plus the remainder of the `HList`. An explicit type argument
   * must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has an element of type `U`.
   * The `Elem` suffix is here to avoid creating an ambiguity with RecordOps#remove and should be removed if
   * SI-5414 is resolved in a way which eliminates the ambiguity.
  def removeElem[U](implicit remove : Remove[L, U]): remove.Out = remove(l)
   * Returns the first elements of this `HList` that have types in `SL` plus the remainder of the `HList`. An expicit
   * type argument must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` contains elements with
   * types in `SL`.
  def removeAll[SL <: HList](implicit removeAll : RemoveAll[L, SL]): removeAll.Out = removeAll(l)

   * Replaces the first element of type `U` of this `HList` with the supplied value, also of type `U` returning both
   * the replaced element and the updated `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has an element
   * of type `U`.
  def replace[U](u : U)(implicit replacer : Replacer[L, U, U]): replacer.Out = replacer(l, u)
  class ReplaceTypeAux[U] {
    def apply[V](v : V)(implicit replacer : Replacer[L, U, V]): replacer.Out = replacer(l, v)
   * Replaces the first element of type `U` of this `HList` with the supplied value of type `V`, returning both the
   * replaced element and the updated `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided for `U`. Available only if
   * there is evidence that this `HList` has an element of type `U`.
  def replaceType[U] = new ReplaceTypeAux[U]
   * Replaces the first element of type `U` of this `HList` with the supplied value, also of type `U`. Available only
   * if there is evidence that this `HList` has an element of type `U`.
   * The `Elem` suffix is here to avoid creating an ambiguity with RecordOps#updated and should be removed if
   * SI-5414 is resolved in a way which eliminates the ambiguity.
  def updatedElem[U, Out <: HList](u : U)
    (implicit replacer : Replacer.Aux[L, U, U, (U, Out)]) : Out = replacer(l, u)._2
  class UpdatedTypeAux[U] {
    def apply[V, Out <: HList](v : V)
      (implicit replacer : Replacer.Aux[L, U, V, (U, Out)]) : Out = replacer(l, v)._2
   * Replaces the first element of type `U` of this `HList` with the supplied value of type `V`. An explicit type
   * argument must be provided for `U`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has an element of
   * type `U`.
  def updatedType[U] = new UpdatedTypeAux[U]
  class UpdatedAtAux[N <: Nat] {
    def apply[U, V, Out <: HList](u : U)(implicit replacer : ReplaceAt.Aux[L, N, U, (V, Out)]) : Out = replacer(l, u)._2
   * Replaces the ''nth' element of this `HList` with the supplied value of type `U`. An explicit type argument
   * must be provided for `N`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def updatedAt[N <: Nat] = new UpdatedAtAux[N]
   * Replaces the ''nth' element of this `HList` with the supplied value of type `U`. Available only if there is
   * evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def updatedAt[U, V, Out <: HList](n: Nat, u : U)(implicit replacer : ReplaceAt.Aux[L, n.N, U, (V, Out)]) : Out = replacer(l, u)._2

   * Returns the first ''n'' elements of this `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only if
   * there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def take[N <: Nat](implicit take : Take[L, N]) : take.Out = take(l)

   * Returns the first ''n'' elements of this `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at
   * least ''n'' elements.
  def take(n : Nat)(implicit take : Take[L, n.N]) : take.Out = take(l)
   * Returns all but the  first ''n'' elements of this `HList`. An explicit type argument must be provided. Available
   * only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def drop[N <: Nat](implicit drop : Drop[L, N]) : drop.Out = drop(l)

   * Returns all but the  first ''n'' elements of this `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList`
   * has at least ''n'' elements.
  def drop(n : Nat)(implicit drop : Drop[L, n.N]) : drop.Out = drop(l)
   * Splits this `HList` at the ''nth'' element, returning the prefix and suffix as a pair. An explicit type argument
   * must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def split[N <: Nat](implicit split : Split[L, N]) : split.Out = split(l)

   * Splits this `HList` at the ''nth'' element, returning the prefix and suffix as a pair. Available only if there is
   * evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def split(n : Nat)(implicit split : Split[L, n.N]) : split.Out = split(l)
   * Splits this `HList` at the ''nth'' element, returning the reverse of the prefix and suffix as a pair. An explicit
   * type argument must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def reverse_split[N <: Nat](implicit split : ReverseSplit[L, N]) : split.Out = split(l)

   * Splits this `HList` at the ''nth'' element, returning the reverse of the prefix and suffix as a pair. Available
   * only if there is evidence that this `HList` has at least ''n'' elements.
  def reverse_split(n : Nat)(implicit split : ReverseSplit[L, n.N]) : split.Out = split(l)

   * Splits this `HList` at the first occurrence of an element of type `U`, returning the prefix and suffix as a pair.
   * An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has an element
   * of type `U`.
  def splitLeft[U](implicit splitLeft : SplitLeft[L, U]) : splitLeft.Out = splitLeft(l)

   * Splits this `HList` at the first occurrence of an element of type `U`, returning reverse of the prefix and suffix
   * as a pair. An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has
   * an element of type `U`.
  def reverse_splitLeft[U](implicit splitLeft : ReverseSplitLeft[L, U]) : splitLeft.Out = splitLeft(l)

   * Splits this `HList` at the last occurrence of an element of type `U`, returning the prefix and suffix as a pair.
   * An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has an element
   * of type `U`.
  def splitRight[U](implicit splitRight : SplitRight[L, U]) : splitRight.Out = splitRight(l)

   * Splits this `HList` at the last occurrence of an element of type `U`, returning reverse of the prefix and suffix
   * as a pair. An explicit type argument must be provided. Available only if there is evidence that this `HList` has
   * an element of type `U`.
  def reverse_splitRight[U](implicit splitRight : ReverseSplitRight[L, U]) : splitRight.Out = splitRight(l)

   * Reverses this `HList`.
  def reverse(implicit reverse : Reverse[L]) : reverse.Out = reverse(l)

   * Maps a higher rank function across this `HList`.
  def map(f : Poly)(implicit mapper : Mapper[f.type, L]) : mapper.Out = mapper(l)

   * Flatmaps a higher rank function across this `HList`.
  def flatMap(f : Poly)(implicit mapper : FlatMapper[f.type, L]) : mapper.Out = mapper(l)

   * Replaces each element of this `HList` with a constant value.
  def mapConst[C](c : C)(implicit mapper : ConstMapper[C, L]) : mapper.Out = mapper(c, l)
   * Maps a higher rank function ''f'' across this `HList` and folds the result using monomorphic combining operator
   * `op`. Available only if there is evidence that the result type of `f` at each element conforms to the argument
   * type of ''op''.
  def foldMap[R](z : R)(f : Poly)(op : (R, R) => R)(implicit folder : MapFolder[L, R, f.type]) : R = folder(l, z, op)
   * Computes a left fold over this `HList` using the polymorphic binary combining operator `op`. Available only if
   * there is evidence `op` can consume/produce all the partial results of the appropriate types.
  def foldLeft[R](z : R)(op : Poly)(implicit folder : LeftFolder[L, R, op.type]) : folder.Out = folder(l, z)
   * Computes a right fold over this `HList` using the polymorphic binary combining operator `op`. Available only if
   * there is evidence `op` can consume/produce all the partial results of the appropriate types.
  def foldRight[R](z : R)(op : Poly)(implicit folder : RightFolder[L, R, op.type]) : folder.Out = folder(l, z)
   * Computes a left reduce over this `HList` using the polymorphic binary combining operator `op`. Available only if
   * there is evidence that this `HList` has at least one element and that `op` can consume/produce all the partial
   * results of the appropriate types.
  def reduceLeft(op : Poly)(implicit reducer : LeftReducer[L, op.type]) : reducer.Out = reducer(l)
   * Computes a right reduce over this `HList` using the polymorphic binary combining operator `op`. Available only if
   * there is evidence that this `HList` has at least one element and that `op` can consume/produce all the partial
   * results of the appropriate types.
  def reduceRight(op : Poly)(implicit reducer : RightReducer[L, op.type]) : reducer.Out = reducer(l)
   * Zips this `HList` with its argument `HList` returning an `HList` of pairs.
  def zip[R <: HList](r : R)(implicit zipper : Zip[L :: R :: HNil]) : zipper.Out = zipper(l :: r :: HNil)
   * Zips this `HList` of monomorphic function values with its argument `HList` of correspondingly typed function
   * arguments returning the result of each application as an `HList`. Available only if there is evidence that the
   * corresponding function and argument elements have compatible types.
  def zipApply[A <: HList](a : A)(implicit zipper : ZipApply[L, A]) : zipper.Out = zipper(l, a)

   * Zips this `HList` of `HList`s returning an `HList` of tuples. Available only if there is evidence that this
   * `HList` has `HList` elements.
  def zip(implicit zipper : Zip[L]) : zipper.Out = zipper(l)

   * Zips this `HList` of `HList`s returning an `HList` of tuples. Available only if there is evidence that this
   * `HList` has `HList` elements.
  @deprecated("Use zip instead", "2.0.0")
  def zipped(implicit zipper : Zip[L]) : zipper.Out = zipper(l)

   * Unzips this `HList` of tuples returning a tuple of `HList`s. Available only if there is evidence that this
   * `HList` has tuple elements.
  def unzip(implicit unzipper : Unzip[L]) : unzipper.Out = unzipper(l)
   * Unzips this `HList` of tuples returning a tuple of `HList`s. Available only if there is evidence that this
   * `HList` has tuple elements.
  @deprecated("Use unzip instead", "2.0.0")
  def unzipped(implicit unzipper : Unzip[L]) : unzipper.Out = unzipper(l)
   * Zips this `HList` with its argument `HList` of `HList`s, returning an `HList` of `HList`s with each element of
   * this `HList` prepended to the corresponding `HList` element of the argument `HList`.
  def zipOne[T <: HList](t : T)(implicit zipOne : ZipOne[L, T]) : zipOne.Out = zipOne(l, t)

   * Zips this `HList` with a constant, resulting in an `HList` of tuples of the form
   * ({element from this `HList`}, {supplied constant})
  def zipConst[C](c: C)(implicit zipConst: ZipConst[C, L]): zipConst.Out = zipConst(c, l)
   * Transposes this `HList`.
  def transpose(implicit transpose : Transposer[L]) : transpose.Out = transpose(l)

   * Returns an `HList` typed as a repetition of the least upper bound of the types of the elements of this `HList`.
  def unify(implicit unifier : Unifier[L]) : unifier.Out = unifier(l)

   * Returns an `HList` with all elements that are subtypes of `B` typed as `B`.
  def unifySubtypes[B](implicit subtypeUnifier : SubtypeUnifier[L, B]) : subtypeUnifier.Out = subtypeUnifier(l)

   * Converts this `HList` to a correspondingly typed tuple.
  def tupled(implicit tupler : Tupler[L]) : tupler.Out = tupler(l)
   * Compute the length of this `HList`.
  def length(implicit length : Length[L]) : length.Out = length()
   * Compute the length of this `HList` as a runtime Int value.
  def runtimeLength: Int = {
    @tailrec def loop(l: HList, acc: Int): Int = l match {
      case HNil => acc
      case hd :: tl => loop(tl, acc+1)

    loop(l, 0)

   * Converts this `HList` to an ordinary `List` of elements typed as the least upper bound of the types of the elements
   * of this `HList`.
  def toList[Lub](implicit toList : ToList[L, Lub]) : List[Lub] = toList(l)
   * Converts this `HList` to an `Array` of elements typed as the least upper bound of the types of the elements
   * of this `HList`.
   * It is advisable to specify the type parameter explicitly, because for many reference types, case classes in
   * particular, the inferred type will be too precise (ie. `Product with Serializable with CC` for a typical case class
   * `CC`) which interacts badly with the invariance of `Array`s.
  def toArray[Lub](implicit toArray : ToArray[L, Lub]) : Array[Lub] = toArray(runtimeLength, l, 0)