package monocle

import scalaz.{Applicative, Category, Maybe, Monoid, \/}
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._

 * A [[PPrism]] can be seen as a pair of functions:
 *  - `getOrModify: S => T \/ A`
 *  - `reverseGet : B => T`
 * A [[PPrism]] could also be defined as a weaker [[PIso]] where get can fail.
 * Typically a [[PPrism]] or [[Prism]] encodes the relation between a Sum or
 * CoProduct type (e.g. sealed trait) and one of it is element.
 * [[PPrism]] stands for Polymorphic Prism as it set and modify methods change
 * a type `A` to `B` and `S` to `T`.
 * [[Prism]] is a type alias for [[PPrism]] where the type of target cannot be modified:
 * {{{
 * type Prism[S, A] = PPrism[S, S, A, A]
 * }}}
 * A [[PPrism]] is also a valid  [[Fold]], [[POptional]], [[PTraversal]] and [[PSetter]]
 * @see PrismLaws in monocle-law module
 * @tparam S the source of a [[PPrism]]
 * @tparam T the modified source of a [[PPrism]]
 * @tparam A the target of a [[PPrism]]
 * @tparam B the modified target of a [[PPrism]]
abstract class PPrism[S, T, A, B] extends Serializable { self =>

  /** get the target of a [[PPrism]] or modify the source in case there is no target */
  def getOrModify(s: S): T \/ A

  /** get the modified source of a [[PPrism]] */
  def reverseGet(b: B): T

  /** get the target of a [[PPrism]] or nothing if there is no target */
  def getOption(s: S): Option[A]

  /** modify polymorphically the target of a [[PPrism]] with an [[Applicative]] function */
  @inline final def modifyF[F[_] : Applicative](f: A => F[B])(s: S): F[T] =
      t => Applicative[F].point(t),
      a => Applicative[F].map(f(a))(reverseGet)

  /** modify polymorphically the target of a [[PPrism]] with a function */
  @inline final def modify(f: A => B): S => T =
    getOrModify(_).fold(identity,a => reverseGet(f(a)))

   * modify polymorphically the target of a [[PPrism]] with a function.
   * return empty if the [[PPrism]] is not matching
  @inline final def modifyOption(f: A => B): S => Option[T] =
    s => getOption(s).map(a => reverseGet(f(a)))

  /** set polymorphically the target of a [[PPrism]] with a value */
  @inline final def set(b: B): S => T =
    modify(_ => b)

   * set polymorphically the target of a [[PPrism]] with a value.
   * return empty if the [[PPrism]] is not matching
  @inline final def setOption(b: B): S => Option[T] =
    modifyOption(_ => b)

  /** check if a [[PPrism]] has a target */
  @inline final def isMatching(s: S): Boolean =

  /** create a [[Getter]] from the modified target to the modified source of a [[PPrism]] */
  @inline final def re: Getter[B, T] =

  @inline final def first[C]: PPrism[(S, C), (T, C), (A, C), (B, C)] =
    PPrism[(S, C), (T, C), (A, C), (B, C)]{
      case (s, c) => getOrModify(s).bimap(_ -> c, _ -> c)
      case (b, c) => (reverseGet(b), c)

  @inline final def second[C]: PPrism[(C, S), (C, T), (C, A), (C, B)] =
    PPrism[(C, S), (C, T), (C, A), (C, B)]{
      case (c, s) => getOrModify(s).bimap(c -> _, c -> _)
      case (c, b) => (c, reverseGet(b))

  @deprecated("use getOption", since = "1.1.0")
  @inline final def getMaybe(s: S): Maybe[A] =

  @deprecated("use modifyOption", since = "1.1.0")
  @inline final def modifyMaybe(f: A => B): S => Maybe[T] =
    s => modifyOption(f)(s).toMaybe

  @deprecated("use setOption", since = "1.1.0")
  @inline final def setMaybe(b: B): S => Maybe[T] =
    s => setOption(b)(s).toMaybe

  /** Compose methods between a [[PPrism]] and another Optics */

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[Fold]] */
  @inline final def composeFold[C](other: Fold[A, C]): Fold[S, C] =
    asFold composeFold other

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[Getter]] */
  @inline final def composeGetter[C](other: Getter[A, C]): Fold[S, C] =
    asFold composeGetter other

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[PSetter]] */
  @inline final def composeSetter[C, D](other: PSetter[A, B, C, D]): PSetter[S, T, C, D] =
    asSetter composeSetter other

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[PTraversal]] */
  @inline final def composeTraversal[C, D](other: PTraversal[A, B, C, D]): PTraversal[S, T, C, D] =
    asTraversal composeTraversal other

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[POptional]] */
  @inline final def composeOptional[C, D](other: POptional[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
    asOptional composeOptional other

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[PLens]] */
  @inline final def composeLens[C, D](other: PLens[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
    asOptional composeOptional other.asOptional

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[PPrism]] */
  @inline final def composePrism[C, D](other: PPrism[A, B, C, D]): PPrism[S, T, C, D] =
    new PPrism[S, T, C, D]{
      def getOrModify(s: S): T \/ C =
        self.getOrModify(s).flatMap(a => other.getOrModify(a).bimap(self.set(_)(s), identity))

      def reverseGet(d: D): T =

      def getOption(s: S): Option[C] =
        self.getOption(s) flatMap other.getOption

  /** compose a [[PPrism]] with a [[PIso]] */
  @inline final def composeIso[C, D](other: PIso[A, B, C, D]): PPrism[S, T, C, D] =

  /** Experimental aliases of compose methods */

  /** alias to composeTraversal */
  @inline final def ^|->>[C, D](other: PTraversal[A, B, C, D]): PTraversal[S, T, C, D] =

  /** alias to composeOptional */
  @inline final def ^|-?[C, D](other: POptional[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =

  /** alias to composePrism */
  @inline final def ^<-?[C, D](other: PPrism[A, B, C, D]): PPrism[S, T, C, D] =

  /** alias to composeLens */
  @inline final def ^|->[C, D](other: PLens[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =

  /** alias to composeIso */
  @inline final def ^<->[C, D](other: PIso[A, B, C, D]): PPrism[S, T, C, D] =

  /** Transformation methods to view a [[PPrism]] as another Optics */

  /** view a [[PPrism]] as a [[Fold]] */
  @inline final def asFold: Fold[S, A] = new Fold[S, A]{
    def foldMap[M: Monoid](f: A => M)(s: S): M =
      getOption(s) map f getOrElse Monoid[M].zero

  /** view a [[PPrism]] as a [[Setter]] */
  @inline final def asSetter: PSetter[S, T, A, B] =
    new PSetter[S, T, A, B]{
      def modify(f: A => B): S => T =

      def set(b: B): S => T =

  /** view a [[PPrism]] as a [[PTraversal]] */
  @inline final def asTraversal: PTraversal[S, T, A, B] =
    new PTraversal[S, T, A, B] {
      def modifyF[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[B])(s: S): F[T] =

  /** view a [[PPrism]] as a [[POptional]] */
  @inline final def asOptional: POptional[S, T, A, B] =
    new POptional[S, T, A, B]{
      def getOrModify(s: S): T \/ A =

      def set(b: B): S => T =

      def getOption(s: S): Option[A] =

      def modify(f: A => B): S => T =

      def modifyF[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[B])(s: S): F[T] =

object PPrism extends PrismInstances {
  def id[S, T]: PPrism[S, T, S, T] =[S, T].asPrism

  /** create a [[PPrism]] using the canonical functions: getOrModify and reverseGet */
  def apply[S, T, A, B](_getOrModify: S => T \/ A)(_reverseGet: B => T): PPrism[S, T, A, B] =
    new PPrism[S, T, A, B]{
      def getOrModify(s: S): T \/ A =

      def reverseGet(b: B): T =

      def getOption(s: S): Option[A] =

object Prism {
  def id[A]: Prism[A, A] =[A].asPrism

  /** alias for [[PPrism]] apply restricted to monomorphic update */
  def apply[S, A](_getOption: S => Option[A])(_reverseGet: A => S): Prism[S, A] =
    new Prism[S, A]{
      def getOrModify(s: S): S \/ A =
        _getOption(s).fold[S \/ A](\/.left(s))(\/.right)

      def reverseGet(b: A): S =

      def getOption(s: S): Option[A] =

sealed abstract class PrismInstances {
  implicit val prismCategory: Category[Prism] = new Category[Prism] {
    def id[A]: Prism[A, A] =

    def compose[A, B, C](f: Prism[B, C], g: Prism[A, B]): Prism[A, C] =
      g composePrism f