 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.utils

import kafka.api.LeaderAndIsr
import kafka.controller.LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient

import scala.Some
import scala.collection._

object ReplicationUtils extends Logging {

  def updateLeaderAndIsr(zkClient: ZkClient, topic: String, partitionId: Int, newLeaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr, controllerEpoch: Int,
    zkVersion: Int): (Boolean,Int) = {
    debug("Updated ISR for partition [%s,%d] to %s".format(topic, partitionId, newLeaderAndIsr.isr.mkString(",")))
    val path = ZkUtils.getTopicPartitionLeaderAndIsrPath(topic, partitionId)
    val newLeaderData = ZkUtils.leaderAndIsrZkData(newLeaderAndIsr, controllerEpoch)
    // use the epoch of the controller that made the leadership decision, instead of the current controller epoch
    ZkUtils.conditionalUpdatePersistentPath(zkClient, path, newLeaderData, zkVersion, Some(checkLeaderAndIsrZkData))

  def checkLeaderAndIsrZkData(zkClient: ZkClient, path: String, expectedLeaderAndIsrInfo: String): (Boolean,Int) = {
    try {
      val writtenLeaderAndIsrInfo = ZkUtils.readDataMaybeNull(zkClient, path)
      val writtenLeaderOpt = writtenLeaderAndIsrInfo._1
      val writtenStat = writtenLeaderAndIsrInfo._2
      val expectedLeader = parseLeaderAndIsr(expectedLeaderAndIsrInfo, path, writtenStat)
      writtenLeaderOpt match {
        case Some(writtenData) =>
          val writtenLeader = parseLeaderAndIsr(writtenData, path, writtenStat)
          (expectedLeader,writtenLeader) match {
            case (Some(expectedLeader),Some(writtenLeader)) =>
              if(expectedLeader == writtenLeader)
                return (true,writtenStat.getVersion())
            case _ =>
        case None =>
    } catch {
      case e1: Exception =>

  def getLeaderIsrAndEpochForPartition(zkClient: ZkClient, topic: String, partition: Int):Option[LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch] = {
    val leaderAndIsrPath = ZkUtils.getTopicPartitionLeaderAndIsrPath(topic, partition)
    val leaderAndIsrInfo = ZkUtils.readDataMaybeNull(zkClient, leaderAndIsrPath)
    val leaderAndIsrOpt = leaderAndIsrInfo._1
    val stat = leaderAndIsrInfo._2
    leaderAndIsrOpt match {
      case Some(leaderAndIsrStr) => parseLeaderAndIsr(leaderAndIsrStr, leaderAndIsrPath, stat)
      case None => None

  private def parseLeaderAndIsr(leaderAndIsrStr: String, path: String, stat: Stat)
      : Option[LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch] = {
    Json.parseFull(leaderAndIsrStr) match {
      case Some(m) =>
        val leaderIsrAndEpochInfo = m.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
        val leader = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo.get("leader").get.asInstanceOf[Int]
        val epoch = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo.get("leader_epoch").get.asInstanceOf[Int]
        val isr = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo.get("isr").get.asInstanceOf[List[Int]]
        val controllerEpoch = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo.get("controller_epoch").get.asInstanceOf[Int]
        val zkPathVersion = stat.getVersion
        debug("Leader %d, Epoch %d, Isr %s, Zk path version %d for leaderAndIsrPath %s".format(leader, epoch,
          isr.toString(), zkPathVersion, path))
        Some(LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch(LeaderAndIsr(leader, epoch, isr, zkPathVersion), controllerEpoch))
      case None => None
