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package kafka.tools

import joptsimple.OptionParser

class PerfConfig(args: Array[String]) {
  val parser = new OptionParser
  val numMessagesOpt = parser.accepts("messages", "The number of messages to send or consume")
  val reportingIntervalOpt = parser.accepts("reporting-interval", "Interval at which to print progress info.")
  val dateFormatOpt = parser.accepts("date-format", "The date format to use for formatting the time field. " +
    "See java.text.SimpleDateFormat for options.")
    .describedAs("date format")
    .defaultsTo("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS")
  val showDetailedStatsOpt = parser.accepts("show-detailed-stats", "If set, stats are reported for each reporting " +
    "interval as configured by reporting-interval")
  val hideHeaderOpt = parser.accepts("hide-header", "If set, skips printing the header for the stats ")
  val messageSizeOpt = parser.accepts("message-size", "The size of each message.")
  val batchSizeOpt = parser.accepts("batch-size", "Number of messages to write in a single batch.")
  val compressionCodecOpt = parser.accepts("compression-codec", "If set, messages are sent compressed")
    .describedAs("supported codec: NoCompressionCodec as 0, GZIPCompressionCodec as 1, SnappyCompressionCodec as 2, LZ4CompressionCodec as 3")
  val helpOpt = parser.accepts("help", "Print usage.")