 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.cluster

import kafka.log.Log
import kafka.utils.{SystemTime, Time, Logging}
import kafka.server.LogOffsetMetadata
import kafka.common.KafkaException

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong

class Replica(val brokerId: Int,
              val partition: Partition,
              time: Time = SystemTime,
              initialHighWatermarkValue: Long = 0L,
              val log: Option[Log] = None) extends Logging {
  // the high watermark offset value, in non-leader replicas only its message offsets are kept
  @volatile private[this] var highWatermarkMetadata: LogOffsetMetadata = new LogOffsetMetadata(initialHighWatermarkValue)
  // the log end offset value, kept in all replicas;
  // for local replica it is the log's end offset, for remote replicas its value is only updated by follower fetch
  @volatile private[this] var logEndOffsetMetadata: LogOffsetMetadata = LogOffsetMetadata.UnknownOffsetMetadata
  // the time when log offset is updated
  private[this] val logEndOffsetUpdateTimeMsValue = new AtomicLong(time.milliseconds)

  val topic = partition.topic
  val partitionId = partition.partitionId

  def isLocal: Boolean = {
    log match {
      case Some(l) => true
      case None => false

  def logEndOffset_=(newLogEndOffset: LogOffsetMetadata) {
    if (isLocal) {
      throw new KafkaException("Should not set log end offset on partition [%s,%d]'s local replica %d".format(topic, partitionId, brokerId))
    } else {
      logEndOffsetMetadata = newLogEndOffset
      trace("Setting log end offset for replica %d for partition [%s,%d] to [%s]"
        .format(brokerId, topic, partitionId, logEndOffsetMetadata))

  def logEndOffset =
    if (isLocal)

  def logEndOffsetUpdateTimeMs = logEndOffsetUpdateTimeMsValue.get()

  def highWatermark_=(newHighWatermark: LogOffsetMetadata) {
    if (isLocal) {
      highWatermarkMetadata = newHighWatermark
      trace("Setting high watermark for replica %d partition [%s,%d] on broker %d to [%s]"
        .format(brokerId, topic, partitionId, brokerId, newHighWatermark))
    } else {
      throw new KafkaException("Should not set high watermark on partition [%s,%d]'s non-local replica %d".format(topic, partitionId, brokerId))

  def highWatermark = highWatermarkMetadata

  def convertHWToLocalOffsetMetadata() = {
    if (isLocal) {
      highWatermarkMetadata = log.get.convertToOffsetMetadata(highWatermarkMetadata.messageOffset)
    } else {
      throw new KafkaException("Should not construct complete high watermark on partition [%s,%d]'s non-local replica %d".format(topic, partitionId, brokerId))

  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
      return false
    val other = that.asInstanceOf[Replica]
    if(topic.equals(other.topic) && brokerId == other.brokerId && partition.equals(other.partition))
      return true

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    31 + topic.hashCode() + 17*brokerId + partition.hashCode()

  override def toString(): String = {
    val replicaString = new StringBuilder
    replicaString.append("ReplicaId: " + brokerId)
    replicaString.append("; Topic: " + topic)
    replicaString.append("; Partition: " + partition.partitionId)
    replicaString.append("; isLocal: " + isLocal)
    if(isLocal) replicaString.append("; Highwatermark: " + highWatermark)