 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 package kafka.client

import scala.collection._
import kafka.cluster._
import kafka.api._
import kafka.producer._
import kafka.common.{ErrorMapping, KafkaException}
import kafka.utils.{Utils, Logging}
import java.util.Properties
import util.Random
 import kafka.network.BlockingChannel
 import kafka.utils.ZkUtils._
 import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient
 import java.io.IOException
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils.{getHost, getPort}

 * Helper functions common to clients (producer, consumer, or admin)
object ClientUtils extends Logging{

   * Used by the producer to send a metadata request since it has access to the ProducerConfig
   * @param topics The topics for which the metadata needs to be fetched
   * @param brokers The brokers in the cluster as configured on the producer through metadata.broker.list
   * @param producerConfig The producer's config
   * @return topic metadata response
  def fetchTopicMetadata(topics: Set[String], brokers: Seq[Broker], producerConfig: ProducerConfig, correlationId: Int): TopicMetadataResponse = {
    var fetchMetaDataSucceeded: Boolean = false
    var i: Int = 0
    val topicMetadataRequest = new TopicMetadataRequest(TopicMetadataRequest.CurrentVersion, correlationId, producerConfig.clientId, topics.toSeq)
    var topicMetadataResponse: TopicMetadataResponse = null
    var t: Throwable = null
    // shuffle the list of brokers before sending metadata requests so that most requests don't get routed to the
    // same broker
    val shuffledBrokers = Random.shuffle(brokers)
    while(i < shuffledBrokers.size && !fetchMetaDataSucceeded) {
      val producer: SyncProducer = ProducerPool.createSyncProducer(producerConfig, shuffledBrokers(i))
      info("Fetching metadata from broker %s with correlation id %d for %d topic(s) %s".format(shuffledBrokers(i), correlationId, topics.size, topics))
      try {
        topicMetadataResponse = producer.send(topicMetadataRequest)
        fetchMetaDataSucceeded = true
      catch {
        case e: Throwable =>
          warn("Fetching topic metadata with correlation id %d for topics [%s] from broker [%s] failed"
            .format(correlationId, topics, shuffledBrokers(i).toString), e)
          t = e
      } finally {
        i = i + 1
    if(!fetchMetaDataSucceeded) {
      throw new KafkaException("fetching topic metadata for topics [%s] from broker [%s] failed".format(topics, shuffledBrokers), t)
    } else {
      debug("Successfully fetched metadata for %d topic(s) %s".format(topics.size, topics))
    return topicMetadataResponse

   * Used by a non-producer client to send a metadata request
   * @param topics The topics for which the metadata needs to be fetched
   * @param brokers The brokers in the cluster as configured on the client
   * @param clientId The client's identifier
   * @return topic metadata response
  def fetchTopicMetadata(topics: Set[String], brokers: Seq[Broker], clientId: String, timeoutMs: Int,
                         correlationId: Int = 0): TopicMetadataResponse = {
    val props = new Properties()
    props.put("metadata.broker.list", brokers.map(_.connectionString).mkString(","))
    props.put("client.id", clientId)
    props.put("request.timeout.ms", timeoutMs.toString)
    val producerConfig = new ProducerConfig(props)
    fetchTopicMetadata(topics, brokers, producerConfig, correlationId)

   * Parse a list of broker urls in the form host1:port1, host2:port2, ... 
  def parseBrokerList(brokerListStr: String): Seq[Broker] = {
    val brokersStr = Utils.parseCsvList(brokerListStr)

    brokersStr.zipWithIndex.map { case (address, brokerId) =>
      new Broker(brokerId, getHost(address), getPort(address))

    * Creates a blocking channel to a random broker
   def channelToAnyBroker(zkClient: ZkClient, socketTimeoutMs: Int = 3000) : BlockingChannel = {
     var channel: BlockingChannel = null
     var connected = false
     while (!connected) {
       val allBrokers = getAllBrokersInCluster(zkClient)
       Random.shuffle(allBrokers).find { broker =>
         trace("Connecting to broker %s:%d.".format(broker.host, broker.port))
         try {
           channel = new BlockingChannel(broker.host, broker.port, BlockingChannel.UseDefaultBufferSize, BlockingChannel.UseDefaultBufferSize, socketTimeoutMs)
           debug("Created channel to broker %s:%d.".format(channel.host, channel.port))
         } catch {
           case e: Exception =>
             if (channel != null) channel.disconnect()
             channel = null
             info("Error while creating channel to %s:%d.".format(broker.host, broker.port))
       connected = if (channel == null) false else true


    * Creates a blocking channel to the offset manager of the given group
   def channelToOffsetManager(group: String, zkClient: ZkClient, socketTimeoutMs: Int = 3000, retryBackOffMs: Int = 1000) = {
     var queryChannel = channelToAnyBroker(zkClient)

     var offsetManagerChannelOpt: Option[BlockingChannel] = None

     while (!offsetManagerChannelOpt.isDefined) {

       var coordinatorOpt: Option[Broker] = None

       while (!coordinatorOpt.isDefined) {
         try {
           if (!queryChannel.isConnected)
             queryChannel = channelToAnyBroker(zkClient)
           debug("Querying %s:%d to locate offset manager for %s.".format(queryChannel.host, queryChannel.port, group))
           val response = queryChannel.receive()
           val consumerMetadataResponse =  ConsumerMetadataResponse.readFrom(response.buffer)
           debug("Consumer metadata response: " + consumerMetadataResponse.toString)
           if (consumerMetadataResponse.errorCode == ErrorMapping.NoError)
             coordinatorOpt = consumerMetadataResponse.coordinatorOpt
           else {
             debug("Query to %s:%d to locate offset manager for %s failed - will retry in %d milliseconds."
                  .format(queryChannel.host, queryChannel.port, group, retryBackOffMs))
         catch {
           case ioe: IOException =>
             info("Failed to fetch consumer metadata from %s:%d.".format(queryChannel.host, queryChannel.port))

       val coordinator = coordinatorOpt.get
       if (coordinator.host == queryChannel.host && coordinator.port == queryChannel.port) {
         offsetManagerChannelOpt = Some(queryChannel)
       } else {
         val connectString = "%s:%d".format(coordinator.host, coordinator.port)
         var offsetManagerChannel: BlockingChannel = null
         try {
           debug("Connecting to offset manager %s.".format(connectString))
           offsetManagerChannel = new BlockingChannel(coordinator.host, coordinator.port,
           offsetManagerChannelOpt = Some(offsetManagerChannel)
         catch {
           case ioe: IOException => // offsets manager may have moved
             info("Error while connecting to %s.".format(connectString))
             if (offsetManagerChannel != null) offsetManagerChannel.disconnect()
             offsetManagerChannelOpt = None // just in case someone decides to change shutdownChannel to not swallow exceptions
